Wed, 08/27/1997


Manual Record Keeping of Direct Labor Workaround Plan

This agreement applies only to employees/positions in the AFMC/AFGE consolidated bargaining unit.

1. The Manual Record Keeping of Direct Labor Workaround Plan, also known as the Public Private Competition and Depot Maintenance Activity Group (DMAG) Time Keeping Controls, dated 27 August 1997, referenced hereafter as the plan, will be implemented as negotiated between the parties and outlined by the plan. This Memorandum of Agreement incorporates the plan by reference, supplements it as necessary, and confirms the mutual agreement of the Parties on this matter. This agreement supercedes and replaces all locally negotiated manual systems for collection of direct labor hours.

2. The information provided in the Employee Daily Time Utilization Record (EDTUR) will be used for internal timekeeping purposes only; the information shall ensure compliance with the plan, and will not be used for quantitative, qualitative, or any other purpose with regard to evaluation or discipline of bargaining unit employees as indicated below. Forms used to record manual record keeping of direct labor allocation information will have the following disclaimer printed on the form: "Information recorded on this form associated with record keeping of direct labor allocation will not be used by the agency for performance management or disciplinary purposes for AFGE Council 214 bargaining unit employees. This disclaimer does not preclude discipline for deliberate, knowledgeable, and willful falsification."

3. Within 3 months from the date of this agreement, all forms shall be two part carbonless paper to permit a duplicate copy of the form for retention by the employee. In the meantime, the employee will be given a copy of the EDTUR within two workdays of the date the employee submits the form to the supervisor.

4. The decision to use manual record keeping of direct labor allocation involves the requirement to educate/train bargaining unit employees on the specific written requirements of the method of manual record keeping of direct labor allocation negotiated as a part of this agreement. Supervisors will annotate the employees' AF Form 971 to reflect the date the employee received the guidance/training for the method of manual record keeping of direct labor allocation negotiated and to be used as a result of this agreement. All direct labor employees will maintain the EDTUR in accordance with written instructions set forth in the plan, and negotiated as a part of this agreement. If a dispute arises concerning Duty, Shred, or RCC codes in the maintenance of the EDTUR the employee's accounting shall prevail.

5. Any changes in the design or the use of the various forms used for manual record keeping of direct labor allocation shall be mutually determined between AFGE Council 214 and HQ AFMC prior to implementation or use. AFGE Council 214 will be provided a copy of the plan, and all forms required to support the plan.

6. It is recognized that the ultimate goal of this effort is to completely automate the record keeping for direct labor. The Employer has begun evaluating alternatives of record keeping systems, and will give Council 214 quarterly updates. When an automated plan is completed, it will be presented to AFGE Council 214 for bargaining in accordance with the Labor Statute and/or the Master Labor Agreement prior to implementation or use.

7. This agreement will remain in effect for a period of two years from the date of execution, at which time either party may request to reopen it. Either party wishing to reopen this agreement must do so by submitting written proposals to the other party not more than 30 calendar days prior to the expiration date and no later than the expiration

8. No rights of the employees, the Union, or the Employer are waived by this agreement.


Thomas W. Batterman
DATE 27 Aug 1997
Richard Benge, Jr.
DATE 8/27/97
Raymond Rush
DATE 27 Aug 1997
27 Aug 97 Manual Record Keeping of Direct Labor Workaround Plan.pdf104.01 KB