Tue, 06/05/2018


AFTCI 99-110, Test Control Personnel Training
and Evaluation

   A. 96 OG OI 99-5
   B. AFFTC OI 99-8
   C. Edwards AFBI 99-108

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding AFTCI 99-110, Test Control Personnel Training and Evaluation as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. The purpose of this memorandum on AFTCI 99-110 is to standardize training and evaluation across the test center’s instructions in references A, B and C.

3. The unit Commander/Director will solicit for volunteers for evaluator instructors. The employees who volunteer to be evaluator instructors will be appointed by selecting the most senior skilled, qualified, available volunteer.

4. The unit Commander/Director should accept the training and/or qualifications from other organizations, for like duties, when the personnel will be performing test essential roles. If the commander rejects the training and/or qualifications, written justification must be provided to the employee.

5. Within 90 days of implementation of AFTCI 99-110, Unit Commanders/Directors will draft a qualification and certification memorandum. This memorandum will include a list of personnel currently assigned or attached to the unit who are qualified to perform the test control duties according to the qualifications and certifications.

6. Instructor/Evaluator Training is reserved for highly experienced TEPs. Definition of what constitutes highly experienced TEP’s will be included in local OI’s.

7. If an employee receives a quality level of Q3, the employee can request, to reattempt the evaluation within one calendar week.

8. After the first failure and receipt of a Q3 evaluation by the employee, management will provide additional training to the employee prior to the recheck. The number of recheck attempts authorized will be included in local test organization supplements and are subject to local bargaining.

9. Units may develop currency requirements for mission specialized certifications where appropriate. If Test Organization Supplements are implemented and a bargaining obligation exist, the supplements may be bargained locally. Unit developed TEP currency events and intervals for which TEP in their respective positions need to maintain to stay current and/or qualified will be in accordance with Table 6.1.

10. All testing and evaluations will be accomplished on duty time.

11. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management/date				For the Union/date

//signed// 5 Jun 18                             //signed// 5 Jun 18
_______________________				_______________________
Division Chief, Engineering Resources		Executive Assistant 
AFTC/ENR					AFGE Council 214

//signed// 5 Jun 18                             //signed// 5 Jun 18  
_______________________				_______________________
Labor Relations Specialist			Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL					AFGE Council 214   

AFTCI_99-110_MoA_-_AFGE_C214_-_5_Jun_18_-_signed.pdf112.87 KB