Fri, 03/17/2017
Compressed Work Schedule Authorization in Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Engineering Directorate (AFLCMC/EN-EZ)


A. Briefing to the Union "Compressed Work Schedule Authorization – 21 Feb 2017

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this MOA regarding the above matters as they apply to AFGE bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the Parties.

2. AFLCMC/EN-EZ, Engineering Directorate, is implementing an optional Compressed Work Schedule (CWS) to provide consistent work schedule opportunities to BUEs at all locations within the Directorate. BUEs who opt in to the CWS option will participate in a 5/4-9 schedule (eight 9-hour days, one 8-hour day, and one Regular Day Off (RDO)).

3. This MOA, along with management-provided guidance, will be uploaded on the Directorate SharePoint site. Employees will be informed how and where to access the information on the SharePoint site.

4. Programs already in place, such as wellness/fitness and telework, will not be affected by this MOA or CWS option. BUEs who are approved to participate in the CWS option are authorized to use these programs within existing guidelines.

5. BUEs who choose not to participate in the CWS program can earn and use credit hours in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and established guidelines. BUEs will schedule the earning and use of credit hours with supervisory approval. BUEs with existing credit hours will be required to use all of the existing credit hours before starting the CWS.

6. The following will be mutually agreed upon by the supervisor and the employee, formally annotated in the Supervisor's Employee Work Folder (AF Form 971), and a copy given to the employee:

     a. A BUE's RDO will be determined by a discussion between the supervisor and the employee.

     b. Changes to/from a CWS that are not management directed and/or not based on mission requirements will be discussed between the supervisor and the BUE, and will be limited to no more than two changes within 365 days. The supervisor will make the final determination on approval of such schedule changes.

     c. Start times, end times, and established lunch periods of BUE workdays will be determined by a discussion between the supervisor and the employee to fit the needs of the organization with the supervisor having final schedule approval authority. Any changes to an employee's schedule will adhere to applicable laws, instructions, MOAs and the MLA.

7. Approval of CWS and assignment of RDOs by supervisors will adhere to the following guidelines:

     a. If more than one BUE submits a CWS request to a supervisor during a pay period, the supervisor shall list the BUEs who ask for inclusion in the CWS option in descending seniority order using leave Service Computation Date.

     b. The supervisor will review and approve/disapprove employees’ requests in seniority order and assign RDOs by seniority preference while maintaining sufficient mission/program coverage. Employees already working a CWS will not be required to change their RDO or convert back to a regular or flexible work schedule to accommodate new requests from BUEs with seniority.

     c. BUEs will receive a written notice of approval/disapproval. If any part of a BUE’s request is disapproved (for example, starting time, ending time, RDO), the written notice will include the reason for disapproval.

     d. The supervisor will retain the seniority roster used to make their decisions for approval/disapproval, which will be made available to the Union upon request.

8. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

	FOR MANAGEMENT                              FOR THE UNION 

          //signed//                                  //signed//
        _________________________                 ______________________
        LARRY TARANTO                             TROY TINGEY
        Chief, Resources and Force Development    President
        Division AFLCMC/ENR                       AFGE Council 214

          //signed//                                 //signed//
        _______________________                  _______________________ 
        BRIAN FRIEDRICH                          ANDREW POWELL 
        Labor Relations Specialist               Executive Assistant 
        HQ AFMC/A1KL                             AFGE Council 214 

AFLCMC_EN_EZ_CWS_MOA_-_17_Mar_17_Final.pdf633.58 KB