Thu, 05/17/2018
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)


DHA PI 6025.03 and DHA IPM 18-001:

Limitation to Closure of Medical Treatment

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject limitation to closure of Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF) as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. Attachment 3 of DHA – IPM 18-001, mandates that no Military Treatment Facility (MTF) may close in excess of 3 days or any additional day beyond federally-declared holidays as identified by the Office of Personnel Management or the President of the United States or officially recognized federal office closures or local weather or contingency events. The DHA PI 6025.03 provides procedural instructions to insure changes are implemented. This change in limitation on consecutive days closed also affects ancillary services such as pharmacy, diagnostic imaging, laboratory, and any other services involved in direct patient care which may be required to adjust hours to ensure availability to services. The decision on which clinics and ancillary services involved in direct patient care will experience the limitation on consecutive days closed will be specific to each installation. This MOA implements the MTF limitation on consecutive days closed as they impact Bargaining Unit Employees (BUEs), subject to the provisions outlined below.

3. The Local Union President will be notified by MTF leadership prior to the implementation and provided a briefing from the local MTF on any changes to bargaining unit employees’ work schedules deemed necessary to comply with the tenets of DHA – IPM 18-001. Local impacts to conditions of employment of MTF employees engaged in clinical and ancillary services will be negotiated between Management and the Local Union President (or designee).

4. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.


For Management/date				For the Union/date

   //signed// 17 May 18                            //signed// 17 May 18
_______________________				_______________________
Command Surgeon					Executive Assistant 
HQ AFMC SG					AFGE Council 214

   //signed//                                      //signed// 
_______________________				_______________________
Labor Relations Specialist			Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL					AFGE Council 214  

DHA_PI_6025.03__DHA_IPM_18-001_MTF_Closure_Limitations_MoA_-_AFGE_C214_-_17_May_18.pdf75.04 KB