Thu, 05/19/2011

Security Cooperation/Security Assistance (SC/SA) Training


1.  The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter intothis Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject training as it applies to bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2.  AFMC has long relied on the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM) to provide general and specialized training to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) funded employees.  Management plans to formalize DISAM course requirements for involved employees.  The plan will establish four (4) levels of training applicable to employees based on position and responsibilities.  Some FMS-funded employees will be required to complete only Level 1 training.  Employees who need a basic understanding of Security Cooperation (SC) terminology and processes to do their jobs will be required to complete Level 2 training, which consists of a 20-30 hour online SC orientation course.  Employees directly working or supervising SC programs will be required to complete Level 3 training, which can include both an online and in-residence course.  Employees needing advance SC knowledge will be required to complete Level 4 training, which included one or more in-residence courses tailored to the individual’s specialty.  The specific course requirements are detailed in the attached DISAM Training Level Coding chart.   The Parties recognize this change merely formalizes a training process that has been in place for many years.

3.  For those who have unfulfilled training requirements as of the signing of this MOA, Management will inform such affected employees of what specific course requirements remain and the target date(s) for specific course completion.  Employees new to the FMS-funded workforce will receive this information upon their being identified as needing all or part of the training referenced herein.  Training target dates will be reasonably achievable, based on course availability, workload and the personal circumstances of the employee.

4.  Management will provide employees time – and, in the case of on-line courses, the computer access – necessary to complete their required DISAM training.  Online courses may be retaken as necessary to attain a passing grade.  Employees unskilled at using online software will be provided assistance.  Instructors will work with employees individually, as necessary, to attain successful course completion.

5.  A “test-out” option will be provided for employees who believe they already mastered required course material.

6.  Supervisors and employees will cooperate to assure timely completion of DISAM course requirements.  Supervisors will adjust the employee’s workload to allow for necessary online and classroom training, and will make the necessary arrangements for the employee to attend in-residence courses.  When training targets are not met, the supervisor will meet with the employee and develop a plan to complete the required training by a realistic future date.

7.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.


For Management/Date                                 For the Union/Date

___//signed//______                                 __//signed//_______
Nancy Hudson                                        Tom Robinson
AFMC AFSAC/XPO                                      Executive Assistant
	                                            AFGE Council 214

Michael Madges
Labor Relations Specialist

Attachment:  DISAM Training Level Coding Chart

AFGE--AFMC_SC-SA_MOA--Signed.pdf899.88 KB