Tue, 07/14/2009

 14 Jul 09





Acquisition Professional Development Program (APDP)

Position Coding Review


1.  The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject assessment as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.


2.  AFMC is embarking on a review of acquisition coded positions.  These are positions for which APDP certification is a job qualification.  The purpose of the review is to acquisition code positions which should have the coding and to de-code positions which should not.  The initiative will consist of three phases.  The first will be a mechanical comparison of acquisition codes to other position data identifying positions whose coding is questionable.  The second will be a coding review performed by a multifunctional team at each installation.  The team will see that coding is corrected.  Coding verification tools are under development to assist in this process.  Upon completion, they will be bargained separately.  The third phase will be to systematize the coding process so that periodic reviews are no longer required.


3.  The main impact on bargaining unit employees will be a potential change in acquisition coding.  Employees whose positions are de-coded will retain their APDP certifications.  Employees whose positions are converted to acquisition coded will be required to obtain the required APDP certification, if they do not already have it, within 24 months.  To accommodate these impacts:


  1. Management will provide employees all APDP training required to attain certification.


  1. Management will request an extension of at least one year to accommodate employees who do not obtain certification in the 24 months due to lack of availability of training.


  1. Management will provide individual mentoring, on request, to individuals having difficulty meeting certification requirements.


4.  Before establishing the phase 2 coding review team, installation management will offer the local union a briefing on the project and will extend an invitation for union participation on the team.  If the union elects to participate, a single union representative (selected by the local president) will be released from normal duties and granted official time for all team meetings and activities.


5.  When the review is complete the Union will be provided a spreadsheet showing the positions where acquisition coding changed.  The spreadsheet will show the installation and office symbol of the position and, if encumbered, the name of the employee.


6.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.




            FOR MANAGEMENT                       FOR THE UNION



            //SIGNED//                                          //SIGNED//

______________________                _____________________

            NANCY PARKS                                TOM ROBINSON   

            AFMC/A1DS                                      Executive Assistant

                                                                        AFGE Council 214


            //SIGNED//                                          //SIGNED//

            ______________________                ______________________

            GINA WILLIAMSON                        KRIS KEELER

            AFMC/A1KL                                      Executive Assistant

                                                                        AFGE Council 214

MOA APDP Position Coding Review.pdf29.94 KB