Wed, 10/11/2006





Information Technology (IT) Initiatives of 2006 to Include:

1.      Digital Printing

2.      E-mail Migration and New Outlook

3.      Standard Desktop Configuration, and

4.      Smart Card Logon to the Network and Outlook Access



1.  The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding the above named matters as they apply to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the Parties.


2.  The Parties recognize that the IT initiatives of 2006 are aimed at protecting Air Force (AF) networks from unauthorized attack and improving the efficiency of AF network management.  The Parties share a strong concern for the resilience, security and manageability of AF networks.


3.  Digital Printing – This initiative aims to reduce the current waste of printers and paper throughout the Command.

a.       Management will ensure adequate printer resources are available to achieve a 15-20:1 ration of employees to printers.


b.      Computers and printers will be located in a manner to provide privacy for the users to prevent unauthorized disclosure of personal information.  Printer security may be provided by use of printers/multifunctional devices with secure print capabilities.

4.  E-mail migration and new Outlook – This initiative will move employee e-mail files to a different set of servers and install a new version of Microsoft Outlook on their computers.  The parties recognize a few seconds of additional time may be needed to retrieve old e-mails.  Users of the new version of Microsoft Outlook will normally see titles and address data in their e-mails as if they were never archived and will be able to retrieve their full content with only minor delay.  Employees should contact their Client Support Administrator if they experience any problems with their e-mail accounts.


5.  Standard Desktop Configuration (SDC) – This initiative will standardize the installed programs and operating systems of network desktop computers.  The parties recognize that loss of data and minor inconveniences could be experienced during the SDC implementation.  However, in effort to minimize any impact to employees, management will notify employees of the transition within a reasonable amount of time.  If desktop reload is required, employees will be instructed to backup their data prior to conversion.  Employees should contact their Client Support Administrator for assistance if they experience any problems transitioning to the SDC.

6.  Smart Card Logon (SCL) – This initiative aims to reduce unauthorized access to AF networks by eliminating the user-id/password method of logon and requiring the use of a “smart card” (i.e. common access card).


a.       The parties recognize that some exclusions will be necessary to accommodate mission needs because several software applications and computer systems are not capable of employing SCL. The parties further acknowledge the term “exclusion” means that the employee’s network account owner will be allowed to logon with a username and password until the specific software application or computer system is enable for SCL.  At that time, SCL exclusions associated with that application or system will be rescinded and all users will be required to use SCL.


b.      The parties recognize mission-critical users as those who are officially directed to use webmail in the performance of their duties.  The parties agree that mission-critical users of remote access e-mail shall be accommodated with continued remote access through the use of SCL exclusions until Outlook Web Access (OWA, a.k.a., Webmail) is enabled for SCL.


c.       The parties recognize mission-enhancing users are those who are not required or directed to use webmail after normal duty hours, but nonetheless, work with webmail on their own initiative while on temporary duty (TDY), on leave, or at home.  The parties agree that mission-enhancing users will have continued use of OWA only with their supervisor’s concurrence and if they meet the minimum use criterion.  The minimum use criterion requires mission-enhancing users to employ OWA at least once every forty-two calendar days in order to remain in the SCL exclusion group. If there is no OWA use in a forty-two calendar day period (i.e., 6 weeks), the SCL exclusion for that user will be rescinded.  Employees may be reinstated upon their request for reinstatement of SCL through their supervisor.


d.      Those employees participating in telework, who use government-furnished equipment (GFE) to access e-mail accounts, will have the GFE computer configured for SCL to the e-mail server or will otherwise be granted an exclusion.  Denials of telework requests will not be based on SCL difficulties.


e.       Exclusions for Union representatives shall be granted as follows:



1.      AFGE Council 214 President, Executive Assistants and local Presidents shall be accommodated with continued remote access through the use of SCL exclusions until OWA is enabled for SCL.


2.      Upon request, local full-time Union representatives shall be accommodated with continued remote access through the use of SCL exclusions until OWA is enabled for SCL.


3.      Local non-full-time Union representatives will have continued use of OWA upon request and provided they meet the minimum use criterion by employing OWA at least once every forty-two calendar days (i.e., 6 weeks) in order to remain in the SCL exclusion group.  If there is no OWA use in a forty-two calendar day period, the SCL exclusion for that user will be rescinded.  Employees may be reinstated upon their request for reinstatement of SCL through their supervisor.


7.  In the spirit of partnership, the Union and Management agree to work together to address unforeseen issues that may arise during implementation or concerns over compliance with this MOA.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71 are available to the Parties if either party believes the other has failed to comply with any of the requirements of this MOA and concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.




Kristine Keeler

For the Union     11 Oct 2006                           

Robin E. Williams

For Management    11 Oct 2006




Thomas Robinson

For the Union       11 Oct 2006

John Bartoli

For Management    11 Oct 2006

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