Mail Delivery Reduction

Fri, 09/30/2011

VPP Steering Committee Meeting

Thu, 01/12/2012 - 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

AFMC/AFGE Partnership Council Meeting

Tue, 10/04/2011 (All day) - Wed, 10/05/2011 (All day)
Kirtland AFB, NM

Security Cooperation/Security Assistance (SC/SA) Training

Thu, 05/19/2011

Security Cooperation/Security Assistance (SC/SA) Training


1.  The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter intothis Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject training as it applies to bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2.  AFMC has long relied on the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management (DISAM) to provide general and specialized training to Foreign Military Sales (FMS) funded employees.  Management plans to formalize DISAM course requirements for involved employees.  The plan will establish four (4) levels of training applicable to employees based on position and responsibilities.  Some FMS-funded employees will be required to complete only Level 1 training.  Employees who need a basic understanding of Security Cooperation (SC) terminology and processes to do their jobs will be required to complete Level 2 training, which consists of a 20-30 hour online SC orientation course.  Employees directly working or supervising SC programs will be required to complete Level 3 training, which can include both an online and in-residence course.  Employees needing advance SC knowledge will be required to complete Level 4 training, which included one or more in-residence courses tailored to the individual’s specialty.  The specific course requirements are detailed in the attached DISAM Training Level Coding chart.   The Parties recognize this change merely formalizes a training process that has been in place for many years.

3.  For those who have unfulfilled training requirements as of the signing of this MOA, Management will inform such affected employees of what specific course requirements remain and the target date(s) for specific course completion.  Employees new to the FMS-funded workforce will receive this information upon their being identified as needing all or part of the training referenced herein.  Training target dates will be reasonably achievable, based on course availability, workload and the personal circumstances of the employee.

4.  Management will provide employees time – and, in the case of on-line courses, the computer access – necessary to complete their required DISAM training.  Online courses may be retaken as necessary to attain a passing grade.  Employees unskilled at using online software will be provided assistance.  Instructors will work with employees individually, as necessary, to attain successful course completion.

5.  A “test-out” option will be provided for employees who believe they already mastered required course material.

6.  Supervisors and employees will cooperate to assure timely completion of DISAM course requirements.  Supervisors will adjust the employee’s workload to allow for necessary online and classroom training, and will make the necessary arrangements for the employee to attend in-residence courses.  When training targets are not met, the supervisor will meet with the employee and develop a plan to complete the required training by a realistic future date.

7.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.


For Management/Date                                 For the Union/Date

___//signed//______                                 __//signed//_______
Nancy Hudson                                        Tom Robinson
AFMC AFSAC/XPO                                      Executive Assistant
	                                            AFGE Council 214

Michael Madges
Labor Relations Specialist

Attachment:  DISAM Training Level Coding Chart

USAFSAM/OEHRS Preliminary Guidance On Contamination Control, 17 Feb 2011, and AFMC/A4SG Compliance Memo, undated

Tue, 04/26/2011


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        26 April 2011






USAFSAM/OEHRS Preliminary Guidance on Contamination Control,

17 Feb 2011, and AFMC/A4/SG Compliance Memo, undated


1.  The America Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject directive/guidance documents as they apply to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.


2.  The USAF School of Aerospace Medicine, Occupational and Environmental Health Assessment Section (USAFSAM/OEHRS) preliminary guidance, “Occupational Hygiene: Contamination Control and Housekeeping,” outlines recommended measures to (1) control contaminants at the point of generation, (2) keep work areas clean of contamination spread from regulated areas, (3) verify housekeeping plans are operating as designed, and (4) use swipe sampling to assess the adequacy of contamination controls and housekeeping measures.  The AFMC/AF/SG memorandum “Compliance with OSHA Expanded Standard Chemical Federal Requirements” directs all AFMC maintenance units to scrutinize compliance with OSHA requirements, and optimize cleaning programs to address expanded standard dust concerns.  It directs chemical dust generating work-centers to implement robust housekeeping plans and consider physically separating contaminant generating processes from general maintenance areas.     


3.  The Union and Management agree there is an urgent need to address contamination issues in our maintenance facilities.  The Union supports AFMC intention to disseminate subject guidance and the associated compliance memo without delay.  These measures are essential to minimizing employee exposure to hazardous metals and chemical dusts.  Recognizing this is not the only contamination issue that needs to be addressed; the Union approves implementation of these measures, subject to the following provisions:


  1. Local Presidents will be briefed on the installation’s Occupational Hygiene improvement efforts at its outset.   The union will be invited to participate pre-decisionally in the development of local plans for contamination control, housekeeping, verification, and swipe testing.  Bargainable aspects of these plans will be subject to local bargaining.  Revision to local plans will be handled the same way. 


  1. The contamination levels found in workplace swipe samples will be reported to the local union promptly once results are compiled into a functional and accurate measure that depicts the hygiene status of an area.


4.  The Parties acknowledge these measures only deal with some workplace issues involving contaminants.  Other issues, including the identification, evaluation, and treatment of employees who may have been exposed to expanded standard chemicals need to be addressed.  The lack of an objective standard for acceptable levels of trace contamination remains a problem in evaluating the adequacy of housekeeping.  In lieu of addressing the full range of contamination issues at this time, the Parties agree to bargain them as single issues or comprehensively at such time as the Union submits proposals.  


5.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.



For Management / Date                                  For the Union/Date


__/ signed  /___________                            ____/ signed /___________

for Brenda Thomas                                         Scott Blanch

Labor Relations Specialist,                           President

HQ AFMC/A1KL                                                AFGE Council 214




___/ signed /_________                              ___/ signed /____________

Col. Mark Smallwood                                    Tom Robinson

AFMC/SGP                                                      Executive Assistant

                                                                        AFGE Council 214

AFGE/AFMC Partnership Council

Wed, 06/29/2011 (All day)
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

AFGE/AFMC Joint National Meeting

Wright-Patterson AFB, OH

Controlled Spending Account (CSA) for Official Travel

Thu, 01/20/2011


Regarding Use of the

Controlled Spend Account (CSA)

For Official Travel


1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject program as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. The Air Force plans to transition from the current Government Travel Card (Individually Billed Account) to a Controlled Spend Account Travel Card.  Upon implementation, features of the CSA will include

     --- automatic front-loading of the CSA spend limit upon approval of an official travel authorization.

     --- the ability of the traveler to contact the contracted bank directly on a 24/7/365 basis to temporarily increase the CSA spend limit should unexpected circumstances arise or as needed to support mission requirements.

      --- disbursement of all voucher approved entitlements to the contracted bank.

      --- the recovery of traveler’s residual balance (meals and incidental expenses not charged to the CSA) from the bank through a bank check, an electronic funds transfer, ATM/Teller withdrawal (subject to a transaction fee borne by the traveler) or by using CSA as a debit/gift card.

      --- with respect to the recovery of traveler’s residual balance, the parties acknowledge and endorse current efforts to provide for automatic electronic funds transfer by the bank of said monies to the designated personal account of the traveler.

 :     --- the elimination of a credit check for those seeking/possessing a CSA.

3. The parties affirm that the CSA is expected to reduce travel card abuse by providing funds on the card only in times when official travel has been approved. The CSA spend limit will correspond to expenses projected on an approved travel authorization. If the travel authorization is submitted, but not yet approved in time for initial expenses (e.g. air fare), the contracted bank will, upon request, increase the CSA expense limit to cover the cost.  This will prevent funding delays that might interfere with a late-scheduled TDY.

4. Travelers are expected to submit vouchers promptly upon the completion of travel.

5. When a travel voucher is approved, the contracted bank will adjust the CSA spend limit to the entitlement amount. This will often result in a surplus owed to the employee, since many expenses are commonly paid out of pocket, not the card. These can be recovered in a variety of ways (see paragraph 2. In some cases, CSA spending may have exceeded the voucher amount. In this case, the contracted bank will report the balance due on its monthly statement. The employee is responsible for paying the balance to the contracted bank by the statement due date. Normally no administrative action will be taken against employees who settle up within 60 days of a reported balance due.

6. AFMC bases will provide training on the CSA card. Various options exist for such training to include but not limited to training modules on the Air Force Portal, contracted bank website and SAF FM’s CSA Community of Practice site.  Briefings may also be offered to employees on duty time. If a unit does provide briefings, employees will be allowed to select this form of training.  Release for said briefings will be obtained through an employee’s supervisor. The CSA card will be sent with literature explaining the terms of use and other information to orient the new user.

7. When requested, management will continue to provide assistance to employees for the purpose of preparing travel orders and travel vouchers. Employees may also request assistance with respect to the inputting of this information into the Defense Travel System (DTS) or alternative systems will be provided same.

8. All remedies under the MLA or 5 USC Chapter 71 are available to the Parties if either party believes the other has failed to comply with any of the requirements of this MOA

For Management                               For the Union

_____/ signed/_____________                 ______/signed/____________
ROGER RICHARDS                              TOM ROBINSON
HQ AFMC/FMPT                                Executive Assistant 
                                            AFGE Council 214 

_____/signed/_____________                   _____/signed/_____________ 
REBECCA TIPTON                               KRIS KEELER 
HQ AFMC/FMPW                                 Executive Assistant 
                                             AFGE Council 214 


Common Access Card (CAC) Required Web-Enabled Applications

Mon, 11/22/2010


                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Nov 22 2010                                                                                                                     


                                                                                                                                     MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT (MOA)


Common Access Card (CAC) Required Web-Enabled Applications


1.  The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this MOA regarding the above subject as it applies to AFGE bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties. 


2.  As of January 2010, most Air Force Personnel Center websites, the Air Force Portal and other Air Force websites have initiated CAC logon procedures.  The option of user-ID/password logon was eliminated primarily as a network security measure, but also to simplify and standardize access methods and eliminate the need to memorize and reset numerous passwords.  


3.  This change requires computers, including employee personal computers at home, to have a CAC reader in order to access most Air Force sites.  Air Force-purchased computers on military installations already mandate the use of CAC readers and there is no change to access procedures for employees at work.


4.  Management agrees to allow the check-out of CAC readers to employees upon request.  To support this requirement, management agrees to purchase 10,000 CAC readers and distribute them to the bases proportionately based upon the population of each base.  The communication organization at each base will take delivery of the readers and will load drivers on each reader for both Microsoft Vista and Windows 7 operating systems.  The base communication organization will determine how they will allocate these to employees based upon local processes.  Government-issued CAC readers used for continued access from home will require a hand receipt for tracking and accountability.


5.  PKI-enabled web applications can be accessed by booting Lightweight Portable Security (LPS) on home computers or by installing middleware for CAC-enabling home computers.  LPS and instructions for its use can be found at  Instructions for obtaining, installing and using CAC middleware for home use can be found in the AFMC Pandemic Event Telecommuting Guide at


6.  Government help desks can support the use of government laptops at home or off-base up to the point of the employee’s Internet Service Provider (ISP).  Due to resource limitations and potential contractual/legal constraints, government help desks cannot assist with personal home computers in any capacity nor can they assist with the installation or use of the CAC readers, LPS, or middleware on home computers.


7.  Employees are encouraged to set up their Enterprise Information Management (EIM) MySites to list various links to simplify access to the government web-enabled applications they use the most.  EIM training can be found at the employee’s MySite can be found at Training is generally offered to instruct employees on how to use any individual government web-enabled application on that particular application’s web site. 


8.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71 are available to the Parties if either party believes the other has failed to comply with any of the requirements of this MOA.


FOR MANAGEMENT                                               FOR THE UNION




___// signed // __________                                    ____// signed //___________               

KARL S. MATHIAS, Ph.D                                         TOM ROBINSON

Chief, Plans and Policy Division                                    Executive Assistant

HQ AFMC/A6X                                                          AFGE Council 214                                                                                                                 



___// signed // __________                                ____// signed //__ ___________

GINA WILLIAMSON                                                KRIS KEELER

Labor Relations Specialist                                             Executive Assistant

HQ AFMC/A1KL                                                       AFGE Council 214


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