DPMAP Training

Thu, 10/06/2016


DoD Performance Management Appraisal Program (DPMAP) Workforce Training

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject training as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. Prior to DPMAP implementation, Air Force has established that a training plan and schedule must be in place to ensure that covered employees and their supervisors receive DPMAP training. DoD has established two types of training, instructor-led training (ILT) and computer-based training (CBT). AFMC has also pursued a third option for training, in which training will be presented as a combination of the ILT and CBT. The length of the ILT and combination training sessions may vary due to the audience and instructor.

3. The parties agree that employees will be allowed to complete DPMAP training while in a duty status.

4. The local union president will be invited to attend and participate in the ILT sessions. Union presidents may designate a representative to attend and participate on their behalf.

5. Employees are free to contact the local union presidents or the servicing Civilian Personnel office if they have questions concerning the topics addressed in the DPMAP training.

6. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71 will remain available to the Parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management/Date				For the Union/Date

  //signed//                              //signed//
____________________________		______________________________
Employee Relations Specialist     	President
HQ AFMC/A1KL				AFGE Council 214

 //signed//                              //signed//
___________________________		______________________________
Labor Relations Specialist     		Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL				AFGE Council 214

AFI 36-703, Civilian Conduct and Responsibility, dated 18 February 2014

Fri, 04/29/2016
AFI 36-703, Civilian Conduct and Responsibility, dated 18 February 2014

This MOA supersedes and replaces AFI 36-703 MOA, dated 30 Jul 2003

I . American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this MOA regarding subject instruction as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. AFI 36-703 provides standards of conduct and individual responsibility for civilian employees. The instruction has been updated to establish proactive roles and responsibilities for supervisors and employees in preventing and responding to violence in the workplace. Other updates modify guidance on employee rights and responsibilities, furnishing testimony, civilian dress, workplace relationships, nepotism, limited personal use of government computers, and fraud, waste, and abuse.

3. Management will ensure that new employees are briefed on the civilian conduct, and the Air Force Core Values.

4. Conduct outside duty hours shall be governed by applicable federal/state/local laws. However, if an employee's participation in such activities interferes with/adversely affects the mission of the armed forces or interferes with the duty performance of the employee, other employees or military members, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action.

5. An employee is entitled to a reasonable amount of duty time to confer with members of Equal Opportunity Office, the Inspector General, the Civilian Personnel Flight, and/or the Local Union on matters relating to their employment. Employees must comply with official/time release procedures to leave the workplace to confer \with these offices. IAW law and/ or AFI, Management will honor an employee's request to not disclose information that would compromise t11e privacy and integrity of such a discussion.

6. An employee may invoke his/her Fifth Amendment rights and refuse to answer any question that might lead to self-incrimination unless a guarantee is provided that the testimony cannot and will not be used in a criminal prosecution. An employee may not be disciplined for refusing to answer questions not shielded from criminal prosecution under this provision. If known at the time of the interview that criminal prosecution is a possible outcome of an investigatory interview, the employee will be informed of this fact before being questioned.

7. Management agrees to respect the rights of employees to participate in social/civic activities of a political nature while not in a duty status as long as that participation does not result in a violation of the Hatch Act, 5 U.S.C. § 7321-7326. However, employees may also be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including removal, if convicted of inciting or taking part in a riot, civil disorder, or any group activity that results in damage to property or injury to people. Refer to AFI 36-704, Discipline and Adverse Actions, for guidance.

8. The Parties agree that valid debts should be paid, but it is not the role of the employer to adjudicate or enforce financial agreements made outside the workplace. For this reason, the Parties agree discipline shall be a "last resort" dealing with allegations of indebtedness. Generally, issues of private debt shall be adjudicated through the appropriate state and local ·authorities. Should the validity of a private debt is established by court order or admitted, a failure to satisfy an obligation can result in disciplinary action. Refer to AFI 36-704, Disciplinary and Adverse Action.

9. First line supervisor shall honor their obligations within this AFI to discuss employee concerns, provide information, and address problems in the workplace. If an employee believes he or she may be subject to disciplinary or adverse actions, he or she may request a representative to be present during the investigation interview.

10. To the extent practicable, civilian employees should be familiar with provisions of regulations. Employees with questions or concerns regarding a subject matter should seek guidance from an appropriate resource, e.g., supervisors, CPS, EEO or union representative.

11. Canvassing, soliciting, or peddling among employees during working hours or in federal facilities is not allowed except for official approval events, e.g., Combined Federal Campaign. This restriction does not apply to conducting labor organization membership drives during lunch periods or after duty hours.

12. Employees shall disclose outside employment to supervisors IAW the law and AFMCI 51- 201, Off-duty Employment. Employees may not engage in outside employment that:

• Interferes with or is not compatible with performing their government duties;
• May reasonably be expected to bring discredit upon the government or the Department of Defense;
• May tend to create a conflict of interest; or
• Will detract from readiness or pose a security risk
• Is prohibited by statute or regulation

13. Employees are expected to comply with reasonable dress and grooming standards based on comfort, productivity, health, safety, and type of position occupied. Due to the diversity of work functions and locations, appropriate dress standards may vary significantly. Employee attire will be in good repair, and should not be considered offensive, disruptive, or unsafe. Commanders or civilian equivalents may establish and publish civilian dress standards. Local/standards will be bargained locally.

14. Government equipment and networks are intended for official use and limited authorized personal use only. Limited personal use must be of reasonable duration and frequency IAW the MLA, and will not adversely affect performance of official duties, overburden systems or reflect adversely on the Air Force. All personal use must be consistent with the requirements of DOD 5500.7R, Joint Ethics Regulation and appropriate Air Force policy for which bargaining obligations have been met. Misuse of Air Force resources is misconduct, which may result in corrective disciplinary action IAW AFI 36-704. Limited personal use will be authorized in accordance with AFMAN 33-152, as implemented under the MOA dated 13 March 2014.

15. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71 are available to the Parties if either party believes the other has failed to comply with any of the requirements of this MOA. No rights of the employees, the Union or Management are waived by this MOA.

FOR MANAGEMENT	                                                        FOR THE UNION

 //signed//                                                              //signed//
_________________________                                               _______________________
RANDY SHAW                                                              TROY TINGEY
Chief, Employee & Labor Relations                                       President 
HQ AFMC/AlKL                                                            AFGE Council 214

 //signed//                                                              //signed//
__________________________                                              ________________________
CANDY LOHNER                                                            TOM ROBINSON
Employee & Labor Relations Specialist                                   Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/AlKL                                                            AFGE Council 214

AFLCMC Unit Manning Document (UMD) Restructure

Wed, 08/17/2016
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Unit Manning Document Restructure.


A. AFLCMC UMD Restructure; Briefing to the Union dated 15 June 2016

1. The American Federation of Government Employees-(AFGE} Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding organizational restructuring in the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. AFLCMC is undertaking a UMD organizational restructure to align personnel within functional areas to enable the organization to better meet mission requirements.

3. This change is expected to have minimal impact on bargaining unit employees (BUEs}.

     a. No BUE positions are anticipated to be eliminated in connection with implementing this initiative. In the event that a BUE position is determined to be eliminated in connection with th.is initiative the· Local Union will be notified and management will adhere to applicable provisions of the MLA, and displaced BUEs will be afforded placement opportunities to the extent provided by the DoD Program-for Stability of Civilian Employment.

     b. Employees will retain their current grade and series. In the unforeseen event of a change to BUE grade or series, management will adhere to the provisions of Article 12 (Merit Promotion),.Article 13 (Temporary Promotion), Article 14 (Repromotion of Downgraded Employees} and Article 38 (Reassignment to Bargaining Unit Positions) of the MLA.

     c. It is anticipated that, with rare exception, BUEs will continue performing their current duties under the same supervisor. In the event that a change in supervisor is required as a result of this initiative management will adhere to the provisions of Article 38 of the MLA as applicable.

     d. BUE office designations may change) and, in rare cases, supervisory chain of command may change. In the unforeseen event of a change in working conditions as a result of a change in supervisory chain of command management will adhere to applicable provisions of the MLA.

     e. No change in physical environment or location ls planned or anticipated. In the event that a change in physical environment or location occurs in connection with this Initiative management will follow the provisions of Article 33 pf the MLA as applicable.

     f. There are no plans to create or fill true vacancies through implementation of this initiative. In the unforeseen event true vacancies are created and filed, management will adhere, as required, to the provisions of Article 38 of the MLA for fill by reassignment, and to provisions of Article 12 (Merit Promotion) and Article 13 (Temporary Promotion), as applicable, for fill by promotion.

4. AFLCMC/DPP will provide the local Union President at affected bases information regarding restructuring of the AFLCMC UMD, as applicable to the local base. The information will be provided through the local servicing Labor Relations Officer, within 21calendar days of effecting the restructured UMD, and will Include:

     a. All affected bargaining unit positions and their office symbols

     b. Identification of incumbents of these positions (if available)

     c. Organizational charts or pyramid diagrams

     d. Any changes in physical environment or location, if applicable

     e. If requested by the Local Union President, management will provide a briefing on the local changes.

5. Implementation of AFLCMC's UMD Restructure initiative may proceed without delay upon execution of this agreement. Local negotiations of any bargainable impacts, as applicable, will proceed in accordance with Article 33 of the MLA and will be bargained locally. Any issues that cannot be resolved at the local (installation) level will be resolved by the parties at Command level.

6. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71 will remain available to the Parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management/Date	                                            For the Union/Date

  //signed//                                                           //signed//
______________________                                              _________________________
SHERRIL. ARTUSO, Chief                                              TOM ROBINSON
Personnel Programs Division                                         Executive Assisstant 
Directorate of Personnel AFLCMC/DPP                                 AFGE Council 214

  //signed//                                                           //signed//

______________________                                              _________________________
BRIAN FRIEDRICH                                                     ANDREW POWELL
Labor Relations Specialist                                          Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/Al KL                                                       AFGE Council 214

Compressed Work Schedule (CWS) AFLCMC/EN-EZ MOA

Fri, 03/17/2017
Compressed Work Schedule Authorization in Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Engineering Directorate (AFLCMC/EN-EZ)


A. Briefing to the Union "Compressed Work Schedule Authorization – 21 Feb 2017

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this MOA regarding the above matters as they apply to AFGE bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the Parties.

2. AFLCMC/EN-EZ, Engineering Directorate, is implementing an optional Compressed Work Schedule (CWS) to provide consistent work schedule opportunities to BUEs at all locations within the Directorate. BUEs who opt in to the CWS option will participate in a 5/4-9 schedule (eight 9-hour days, one 8-hour day, and one Regular Day Off (RDO)).

3. This MOA, along with management-provided guidance, will be uploaded on the Directorate SharePoint site. Employees will be informed how and where to access the information on the SharePoint site.

4. Programs already in place, such as wellness/fitness and telework, will not be affected by this MOA or CWS option. BUEs who are approved to participate in the CWS option are authorized to use these programs within existing guidelines.

5. BUEs who choose not to participate in the CWS program can earn and use credit hours in accordance with applicable laws, regulations and established guidelines. BUEs will schedule the earning and use of credit hours with supervisory approval. BUEs with existing credit hours will be required to use all of the existing credit hours before starting the CWS.

6. The following will be mutually agreed upon by the supervisor and the employee, formally annotated in the Supervisor's Employee Work Folder (AF Form 971), and a copy given to the employee:

     a. A BUE's RDO will be determined by a discussion between the supervisor and the employee.

     b. Changes to/from a CWS that are not management directed and/or not based on mission requirements will be discussed between the supervisor and the BUE, and will be limited to no more than two changes within 365 days. The supervisor will make the final determination on approval of such schedule changes.

     c. Start times, end times, and established lunch periods of BUE workdays will be determined by a discussion between the supervisor and the employee to fit the needs of the organization with the supervisor having final schedule approval authority. Any changes to an employee's schedule will adhere to applicable laws, instructions, MOAs and the MLA.

7. Approval of CWS and assignment of RDOs by supervisors will adhere to the following guidelines:

     a. If more than one BUE submits a CWS request to a supervisor during a pay period, the supervisor shall list the BUEs who ask for inclusion in the CWS option in descending seniority order using leave Service Computation Date.

     b. The supervisor will review and approve/disapprove employees’ requests in seniority order and assign RDOs by seniority preference while maintaining sufficient mission/program coverage. Employees already working a CWS will not be required to change their RDO or convert back to a regular or flexible work schedule to accommodate new requests from BUEs with seniority.

     c. BUEs will receive a written notice of approval/disapproval. If any part of a BUE’s request is disapproved (for example, starting time, ending time, RDO), the written notice will include the reason for disapproval.

     d. The supervisor will retain the seniority roster used to make their decisions for approval/disapproval, which will be made available to the Union upon request.

8. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

	FOR MANAGEMENT                              FOR THE UNION 

          //signed//                                  //signed//
        _________________________                 ______________________
        LARRY TARANTO                             TROY TINGEY
        Chief, Resources and Force Development    President
        Division AFLCMC/ENR                       AFGE Council 214

          //signed//                                 //signed//
        _______________________                  _______________________ 
        BRIAN FRIEDRICH                          ANDREW POWELL 
        Labor Relations Specialist               Executive Assistant 
        HQ AFMC/A1KL                             AFGE Council 214 

AFLCMC Program Manager Annual Rotation Process

Tue, 03/14/2017
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Program Manager Annual Rotation Process

A. AF Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) briefing on Program Manager (PM) Voluntary Rotation Process dated January 2017

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject rotation plan as it applies to bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. The AFLCMC PM Voluntary Rotation Process (Reference A) is a Directorate level process designed with the intention to develop & strengthen individual program management potential via successive volunteer reassignments of intentionally different PM responsibilities & experiences. This rotation plan is designed to maximize PM exposure to the full-range of diverse and challenging PM opportunities available throughout AFLCMC. This agreement provides the agreed upon provisions for implementation of the annual PM Voluntary Rotation Process.

3. Management will invite the Local Union to briefings in which they introduce the PM Voluntary Rotation Process to employees. The Local President may designate a representative to attend the briefings.

4. Supervisors should document counseling sessions when employees receive feedback for inability to perform at an acceptable level in the new position. If performance continues to be unacceptable Article 15.04 of the MLA will apply.

5. Employees who have volunteered for the program but have been rejected through the use of a Management reclama will be provided the reasons for the rejection in writing.

6. The Union will be notified each time the volunteer matching process starts. Upon request, the results of that year’s matching process will be provided to the Union within 10 work days of the request or the conclusion of the associated matching process, whichever is later.

7. The Union will be notified in accordance with Article 33 of the MLA on any bargainable changes being made to the PM Voluntary Rotation Process.

8. BUEs may grieve reclama decisions and denial of “opt out” decisions by management under Article 6 of the MLA.

9. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management/Date                                                 For the Union/Date

   //signed//                                                         //signed//
____________________                                               _______________________                     KEVIN KECK                                                         TROY TINGEY
Director                                                           President
Program Management & Acquisition Excellence                        AFGE Council 214


  //signed//                                                         //signed//
________________________                                           ____________________________
BRIAN FRIEDRICH                                                    ANDREW POWELL
Labor Relations Specialist                                         Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL                                                       AFGE Council 214

Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-807, Weekly and Daily Scheduling of Work and Holiday Observances

Wed, 02/03/2016


Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-807, Weekly and Daily Scheduling of Work and Holiday Observances,
dated 25 August 2015

Supersedes the MOA dated 7 Nov 03 on AFI 36-807 “Weekly and Daily Scheduling of Work and Holiday Observances”, dated 21 Jun 1999)

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter intothis MOA regarding the subject instruction as it applies to bargaining unit members covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the Parties.

2. Air force Policy Directive 36-8, Employee Benefits and Entitlements Work/Life Programs, established policy/guidance on weekly and daily scheduling of work, holiday observances, overtime, compensatory time, and alternative work schedule.  AFI 36-807 outlines the guidance to implement work scheduling and overtime without unlawful discrimination..  This updated version provides a provision for nursing mothers, holiday observation with regards to work schedules, additional guidance on scheduling, approving and monitoring overtime, compensatory time and credit hours, compensatory travel time guidance, and guidance for establishing flexible and alternative work schedules.  This MOA implements AFI 36-807, subject to the provisions below.

3. Approval authority for Alternative Work Schedules (AWS), Compressed Work Schedules (CWS), and  variations of types of Flexible Work Schedules (FWS) is delegated to Headquarters Directors, Center Commanders, Air Base Wing Commanders and commanders of geographically separated units as bargained with the local union and/or Council 214 office.   Local MOA’s will remain in force until re-bargained.  The results will comply with the articles contained in the MLA.

4. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C., Chapter 71, are available to the Parties if either party believes the other has failed to comply with any of the requirements of this MOA.

For Management/Date                               For the Union/Date

//signed//                                        //signed//
___________________________                       ________________________         
CANDY LOHNER                                      TROY TINGEY
Employee Relations Specialist                     President
HQ AFMC/A1KL                                      AFGE Council 214

//signed//                                        //signed//
__________________________                        _____________________________
Collette Myers                                    TOM ROBINSON
Labor Relations Specialist                        Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL                                      AFGE Council 214

Joint Travel Regulation Changes to Incidental Expenses

Mon, 12/14/2015





Joint Travel Regulation Changes to Incidental Expenses


 Dated 31 October 2014




1.  The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and the Air Force Material Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, herby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding updates to the subject regulation as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.   

2.  The Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) outlines the per diem, travel and transportation allowances, and other allowances associated with official government travel.  Government directed the Department of Defense (DoD) to streamline the processes, simplify rules, improve compliance, and reduce the overall travel costs.  In an effort to meet these requirements, DoD implemented a change to the incidental expenses portion of the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rate included in the per diem amount paid to travelers. The goal of this change is to meet the new cost reduction requirements introduced by Congress, while minimizing the overall impact to the government travelers.  The change reflects an increase to $5.00 per day Continental United States (CONUS) for incidental expenses.  Examples of incidental expenses covered by the new rate include CONUS laundry expenses, baggage tips and ATM fees.  This MOA implements the change to incidental expense allowance, subject to the provisions outlined below.


3.  The Authorizing Official (AO) shall approve the Actual Expense Allowance (AEA) for meals and incidental expenses under the following conditions: the entire incidental actual expense amount for the trip exceeds the total M&IE per diem amount for the entire travel period. Receipts for actual incidental expenses are required to justify the AEA for the TDY.     


4.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.



For Management / Date                                  For the Union / Date


___________________________                  _____________________________

Mary Miller                                                    Tom Robinson

HQ AFMC/FMP                                             Executive Assistant

                                                                        AFGE Council 214


__________________________                  _____________________________

Collette Myers                                                 Nicholas Spychalski

Labor Relations Specialist,                             Executive Assistant

HQ AFMC/A1KL                                           AFGE Council 214



448th Supply Chain Management Wing On The Job Training (OJT) Program

Wed, 12/16/2015



448th Supply Chain Management Wing (SCMW) Operating Instruction (OI) 23-401, “Employee Development and Certification Framework,” dated 1 May 2013 and

Expansion of the 448th Supply Chain Management Wing

On The Job Training (OJT) Program 


The following MOAs are rescinded:

“448th Supply Chain Management Wing (SCMW) Operating Instruction (OI) 23-401, “Employee Development and Certification Framework,” dated 1 May 2013,” signed 9 May 2014

Reference:  Professional Supply Management Certification Program (PSMCP) MOA, dated 8 October, 2015 


1.  The America Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject training/certification program as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.


2.  448 SCMW OI 23-401, dated 1 May 2013 outlined the objectives, requirements, and responsibilities for the training and certification of AFSC employees in the four “core” supply job series:   GS-346 – logistics management, 1101 – production management, 1670 – equipment management, and 2010 – inventory management.  The certification process was designed to document an employee’s demonstration of key competencies at progressive levels of advancement.  The program has been tested and is ready for expansion to the following non-core supply chain management series (Note:  5XX and 8XX subject to applicable Center Senior Functional concurrence):  


0080 – Security Administration Series

0301 – Miscellaneous Administration and Program Series

0303 – Miscellaneous Clerk and Assistant Series

0305 – Mail and File Series

0318 – Secretary Series

0326 – Office Automation Clerical and Assistance Series

0343 – Management and Program Analysis Series

0344 – Management and Program Clerical and Assistance Series

0399 – Administration and Office Support Student Trainee Series

0501 – Financial Administration and Program Series

0560 – Budget Analysis Series

0802 – Engineering Technical Series

0856 – Electronics Technical Series

0899 – Engineering and Architecture Student Trainee Series

1020 – Illustrating Series

1083 – Technical Writing and Editing Series

1515 – Operations Research Series

1699 – Equipment, Facilities, and Services Student Trainee Series

1910 – Quality Assurance Series

2001 – General Supply Series

2005 – Supply Clerical and Technician Series

2032 – Packaging Series

2099 – Supply Student Trainee Series

2130 – Traffic Management Series

2210 – Information Technology (IT) Management Series

4604 – Wood Working


3. Chapter 4 of the OI covers the professional certification program which was implemented by the referenced MOA, dated 8 October 2015.  This MOA implements the expansion of the On-the-Job Training (OJT) program, to include the task-level proficiency (certification) process, as documented in Chapter 3 of the OI.  The process includes OJT, demonstration of proficiency (certification), and the tracking of certifications using the “Training Business Area” (TBA) online system.


4.  Civilian Training Plans (CTPs) (formerly referred to as Functional Education and Training (FET) Template) .  A CTP  will be developed for each job series with 10 or more assigned personnel.  It will specify the knowledge, skills, and abilities required at each pay grade.  It will show the specific course requirements expected at each grade.  CTPs  will be based on the employee’s grade and series and requirements will be uniformly applied. New and revised CTPs   will be forwarded to AFGE Council 214 for review and comment two weeks prior to implementation.  Supervisors will see that employees receive all required courses prescribed at their grade level on a funds and space available basis.  Limited course funds/spaces will be distributed in an equitable manner.  Employees will not be penalized for courses not received.


5.  Equivalency Credit.  It is recognized that some employees are sufficiently trained and experienced to not require particular training outlined in the CTP .  Employees can submit an “equivalency” form to document past training and/or experience which covers the objectives of the CTP requirement. Supervisors grant the employee “credit” for training not required based on the employee’s proficiency.


6.  Identification of Tasks – The TBA system will identify all tasks subject to certification for a given position.  Using the TBA system, the employee will be able to access a complete list of tasks, the definition of each task, relevant reference materials, and training modules.  The system will maintain an up-to-date record of the employee’s certification status on each task.


7.  On-the-Job Training (OJT) – Task specific training will be accomplished through OJT.  Individual Training Plans (ITPs) will identify tasks specific to an employee’s particular workload.   OJT will be used to train employees on identified tasks.  Supervisors ensure that employees receive OJT on all tasks identified in his/herITP.  The TBA system will document attainment of proficiency (i.e. certification) for each identified task.   Employees who have difficulty becoming proficient at a task will be provided special assistance, to include an alternate qualified trainer, on request.

8.  Trainers – Individuals responsible for employee training will be competent in OJT and personally certified in the tasks they train.  Trainers will be volunteers unless no qualified volunteers exist, in which case, the least senior employees with the requisite skills, qualifications, and availability will be selected.   Trainers will receive OJT trainer education prior to assignment.  Trainers will not be held responsible for employee failures that might occur subsequent to certification.


9.  Certification – Once the trainer and the employee believe proficiency has been achieved, the employee will demonstrate task proficiency to his/her trainer.  Certification requires both the employee and the trainer to sign off on competency at the task level within TBA.  Ultimately, the supervisor is responsible for ensuring the appropriate trainer is assigned, training is provided, and proficiency is demonstrated and documented appropriately. 


10.  To mitigate the possibility of levying unnecessary training requirements onto employees, supervisors will review their employees’ training plans to determine which training and certification is required.  Experienced employees will be spared OJT and given certification without a demonstration of proficiency on tasks for which they have shown proficiency in the past. 


11.  Management is committed to assisting and supporting employees who are conscientiously pursuing their training and certification so as to prevent any adverse action or consequence.  When difficulties arise, the supervisor and the employee shall meet and develop a joint plan on how to timely meet the core job training/certification requirements. 


12.  Management agrees to brief the Union on the progress of this program one year after the signature date of this MOA.  Either party may re-open this agreement no earlier than one year after the signature date to address any unforeseen issues.  


13.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved. 


For Management / Date                                  For the Union/Date   


___________________________                  _____________________________


CRAIG L. POLLOCK JR,                             NICHOLAS SPYCHALSKI


Director, 431  SCMS                                     Executive Assistant,


AFGE Council 214



___________________________                  _____________________________             


ROBERT GOOD                                           TOM ROBINSON


Labor Relations Specialist                              Executive Assistant

AFMC/A1KL                                                 AFGE Council 214


Wed, 10/14/2015

Automated Time and Attendance and Production System (ATAAPS) Activity Based (Job)
Costing Capabilities for Financial Improvement Audit Readiness (FIAR) Reporting

1.  The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject initiative as it applies to bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2.  The 2010 National Defense Authorization Act, Section 1003, required the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress costs associated with ensuring the financial statements of the Department of Defense (DoD) are validated as ready for audit by no later than 17 Sep 2017. To accomplish this directive, the Air Force collects the necessary information biannually to report to Congress.  The ATAAPS FIAR reporting initiative would accomplish this through the use of a job order number (JON) on an employee’s ATAAPS time card.  One of two  JON’s would be used to document this time.  The JON FIARPREP will be used by employees, to record activities associated with generating FIAR assertion products.  The  second, FIARFY15, will be a recurring code (by fiscal year) used by anyone asked to  support auditors’ requests for supporting documentation or other information and site visits.  The information from these  two JON’s will be used to account for the personnel cost associated with the FIAR reporting.  This MOA implements the ATAAPS FIAR reporting procedure, subject to the provisions outlined below.

3.  All employees affected by the FIAR reporting initiative will be trained on procedures necessary to document their time in ATAAPS.  If training is not provided, an employee will not be held responsible for correctly accounting his/her FIAR time.  Initially, training will be conducted by the supervisor to the employee(s) in a face to face manner.  Supervisors will conduct annual refresher training either through a face to face session, or via an electronic briefing.

4.  BUE’s who perform work in the support of the FIAR on an infrequent basis will not be
required to document FIAR time into their ATAAPS time card.  .  Infrequent basis is defined as less than four hours in a month.

5.  Employees will be made aware of FIAR reportable tasks at the time it is assigned, via email or other written documentation.  If the employee is not made aware of this fact, the employee will not be responsible for documenting the time in their ATAAPS timesheet.  A supervisor will inform a time keeper to make the necessary corrections to the employees’ time, and will inform the employee of why the adjustment was made, i.e. FIAR reporting.

6. The reporting procedure outlined in this MOA applies only to employees who are required to normally document their time in ATAAPS.

7. Any future use of JON’s, outside the ones described in this MOA under paragraph 2, will be bargained separately according to ATAAPS MOA, paragraph 8, dated 7 Feb 2013.

8. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management / Date                   For the Union / Date

___________________________   _____________________________
Mary Miller                                       Tom Robinson
HQ AFMC/FMP                                Executive Assistant
                                                         AFGE Council 214

___________________________   _____________________________
Collette Myers                                  Nicholas Spychalski
Labor Relations Specialist                Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL                               AFGE Council 214


Professional Supply Management Certification Program (PSMCP)

Thu, 10/08/2015

Professional Supply Management Certification Program (PSMCP)

1.   The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, and collectively as the Parties, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject program as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2.   The Professional Supply Management Certification Program (PSMCP) is a voluntary program open to employees in a range of supply management related disciplines.  It provides a structure for pursuing and documenting the attainment of key competencies important to progression in the supply management field.  Eligible participants include civilian GS employees with experience in the supply management field and WG/WL/WS employees in series 6907, 6910, and 6912.  The program offers 5 levels of certification, each requiring certain experience and training courses highlighted in the PSMCP application requirement sheets, accessible on the SharePoint site.  This MOA authorizes implementation of the program, subject to the provisions below.        

3.   The program is open to both general schedule and federal wage system employees at Edwards, Eglin, Hill, Robins, Tinker, and Wright Patterson Air Force Bases. 

4.  The Parties agree that training and development opportunities shall be offered on a fair and equitable basis to all participating employees.  Failure or success progressing through this voluntary program shall not factor into performance evaluation. 

5.  Management agrees to keep the Union informed of progress in the development of new training and education resources, particularly Union proposed courses. 

6.  Changes to the program shall be subject to bargaining.  Bargaining over the AFMCI 36-202, Logistics Professional Development Program, will commence after the initial coordination and reconciliation has been completed.   

7.   All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management / Date                          For the Union / Date

___________________________         _____________________________
SANDRA WIMBERLE                            TOM ROBINSON
HQ AFMC/A4PT                                     Executive Assistant
                                                                AFGE Council 214

___________________________         _____________________________
GINA MARTINELLI                                NICHOLAS SPYCHALSKI
Labor Relations Specialist                     Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL                                     AFGE Council 214


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