Professional Supply Management Certification Program (PSMCP)

Thu, 10/08/2015

Professional Supply Management Certification Program (PSMCP)

1.   The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, and collectively as the Parties, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject program as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2.   The Professional Supply Management Certification Program (PSMCP) is a voluntary program open to employees in a range of supply management related disciplines.  It provides a structure for pursuing and documenting the attainment of key competencies important to progression in the supply management field.  Eligible participants include civilian GS employees with experience in the supply management field and WG/WL/WS employees in series 6907, 6910, and 6912.  The program offers 5 levels of certification, each requiring certain experience and training courses highlighted in the PSMCP application requirement sheets, accessible on the SharePoint site.  This MOA authorizes implementation of the program, subject to the provisions below.        

3.   The program is open to both general schedule and federal wage system employees at Edwards, Eglin, Hill, Robins, Tinker, and Wright Patterson Air Force Bases. 

4.  The Parties agree that training and development opportunities shall be offered on a fair and equitable basis to all participating employees.  Failure or success progressing through this voluntary program shall not factor into performance evaluation. 

5.  Management agrees to keep the Union informed of progress in the development of new training and education resources, particularly Union proposed courses. 

6.  Changes to the program shall be subject to bargaining.  Bargaining over the AFMCI 36-202, Logistics Professional Development Program, will commence after the initial coordination and reconciliation has been completed.   

7.   All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management / Date                          For the Union / Date

___________________________         _____________________________
SANDRA WIMBERLE                            TOM ROBINSON
HQ AFMC/A4PT                                     Executive Assistant
                                                                AFGE Council 214

___________________________         _____________________________
GINA MARTINELLI                                NICHOLAS SPYCHALSKI
Labor Relations Specialist                     Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL                                     AFGE Council 214


AFSC Air Logistics Complex (ALC) Staff Standardization

Mon, 09/28/2015



AFSC Air Logistics Complex (ALC) Staff Standardization

1.  The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC) hereinafter referred to as the Union and Management, enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding the AFSC/ALC standardization initiative as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties. The standardization effort will be accomplished in two phases, 1st) - Alignment and 2nd) – Refinement.

2.   This MOA is applicable only to implementation of the Alignment phase of the standardization effort.  This phase entails aligning the ALC overhead and staff functions into common organizational structures across AFSC, and defining standardized functional program assignments within these areas. 

3.  Management will make every effort to minimize impact during the Alignment phase to bargaining unit employees, and agrees the use of pre-decisional involvement with union representatives will facilitate the second phase, Refinement.

4. To effectively utilize PDI, the Presidents of AGFE Locals 1592, 987 and 916 or designee will be included as team members in the standardization working groups during both phases of the initiative. Management will further provide periodic updates or as requested to the local presidents on standardization efforts that are specific to their Complexes, along with periodic updates to AFGE Council 214.

5. The parties agree an effective communication plan; to include base newspaper articles, electronic messaging and town hall meetings is necessary to obtain an effective implementation. Union input into newspaper articles will be solicited prior to publication. Management will ensure Local Presidents are notified prior to any town hall meetings.

6.        Management agrees that any employees impacted by supervisory reassignments during the Alignment phase will be informed of the changes in advance. Management will ensure these employees are provided mid-term and/or close-out appraisals in accordance with AFI 36-1001 and the Master Labor Agreement.  The parties further agree that should any supervisory reassignment result in changes to working conditions, these changes will be negotiated locally.

7. While this MOA is specific to the Alignment phase, the parties agree the following provisions will be incorporated in the Refinement MOA: the use of PDI, Local President Membership on working groups, and the communication plan. 

8. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.


For Management/Date                     For the Union/Date


_________________________       _________________________

AFI 36-809 Civilian Survivor Assistance

Mon, 09/21/2015




Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-809, Civilian Survivor Assistance, dated 15 April 2015



1.  The America Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this MOA regarding the above matter as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.  This MOA supersedes the previous MOA concerning AFI 36-809, Civilian Survivor Assistance, signed 31 October 2003.


2.  The intent of the above AFI is to provide for the prompt and compassionate notification of next of kin (NOK) when an appropriated fund civilian employee becomes deceased (casualty). Additionally, it provides survivor assistance to the NOK in the handling of personal affairs related to the civilian’s employment.  This AFI revision   updates and clarifies responsibilities for notifying the NOK, and includes procedures for employees to identify and update their emergency contact information using the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) MyBiz and a description of procedures for reporting a civilian death by the servicing Civilian Personnel Sections (CPS).


3.  The purpose of collecting NOK information is to provide casualty notification personnel immediate NOK contact information in the event of a casualty, and to provide the supervisor or next supervisory level contact information in the event of an emergency.  Employees are required to provide NOK information to their supervisor for entry in the Supervisor’s Employee Work Folder, AF Form 971.  Information should include the name(s) and address(es) of the person(s) the employee would like notified if the employee becomes a casualty or for any other emergency.  Entry of NOK information into MyBiz is voluntary but highly encouraged.


4.  Without NOK information in MyBiz, the ability to make timely notification to NOK could be adversely affected.  Management will not be liable for any delay in carrying out responsibilities associated with NOK notification or civilian survivor assistance resulting from NOK information not being readily available in the MyBiz application.


5.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.


For Management / Date                                                For the Union/Date


___________________________                       _____________________________

CANDY L. LOHNER                                   TOM ROBINSON

Human Resources Specialist (Employee)     Executive Assistant

AFMC/A1KL                                                AFGE Council 214


_____________________________                  _____________________________    

COLLETTE MYERS                                        NICHOLAS SPYCHALKSI

Human Resources Specialist (Labor)               Executive Assistant

AFMC/A1KL                                                   AFGE Council 214



AFMC Revised Fitness Policy

Fri, 10/03/2014

Acquisition Demo Program Expansion to Arnold A.F.B

Mon, 08/31/2015





Acquisition Demo Program Expansion to Arnold A.F.B



1.  The America Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject performance management system as it applies to bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.


2.  Arnold Air Force Base in Tennessee includes almost 200 Council 214 BUEs.  About half of them are engineers and scientists.  The other half is non-professional general schedule (GS) employees.  The Air Force proposes to transition these employees into a pay band system known as the Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project also known as “Acq Demo.”   Under this system, employees who contribute to mission effectiveness may receive the appropriate compensation commensurate with their overall contribution. If employees provide inadequate contribution to the mission, it could result in a reassignment, reduction in pay or removal from Federal Service.  The contribution and compensation evaluation process involves employees, supervisors and pay pool panels.  The evaluation results are calculated in a “payout” formula, then validated by “pay pool managers,” and finally, if awarded, translated into an annual pay adjustment and/or bonus.  This MOA implements a four year trial application of the Acq Demo Program. The four year trial application is subject to a midterm “lessons learned/improvement” meeting between AFGE Council 214 and AFMC after two full cycles in the Acq Demo contribution and compensation evaluation process. Upon completion of four full cycles within the Acq Demo evaluation process, AFMC will conduct a final meeting with AFGE Council 214 to discuss the continuance or discontinuance of the AcqDemo program for the Arnold and Engineering Development Center.


3.  This MOA will be provided to all BUEs incorporated into this system. 


4.  The Union will be given full access to information about the implementation of this program.   During each year of the trial application, 2 union reps will be granted 4-day Agency-funded travel orders to visit Arnold AFB. The union will be provided travel orders to witness the initial training of affected employees and to observe evaluations of affected employees during the four year trial application.  Representational meetings to discuss impact of conversion into the Acq Demo Program will be scheduled with the affected employees


5.  Within 60 days of the signing of this agreement, the Parties will meet to negotiate an amendment to MLA Article 15 and other articles in conflict with the Acquisition Demo Project.  The MOA amending MLA Article 15 will remain in effect during the four year trial implementation period unless modified as a result of MLA renegotiation. The absence of an amendment to Article 15 or any other MLA Articles will not delay the implementation of this program.


6.  Should Acq Demo implementation be projected at other AFMC locations and that generates an AFMC-wide MOA that is agreed upon by the parties; The Acquisition Demo Program Expansion to Arnold A.F.B. MOA will become null and void.


7.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.



For Management / Date                                  For the Union/Date




___________________________                  _____________________________

RANDY SHAW                                           TROY TINGEY

AFMC Labor Relations Officer                     President

AFMC/A1KL                                                 AFGE Council 214



___________________________                  _____________________________             

GINA MARTINELLI                                                TOM ROBINSON

AFMC Labor Relations Specialist                  Executive Assistant

AFMC/A1KL                                                 AFGE Council 214





                                                                        NICHOLAS SPYCHALSKI

                                                                        Executive Assistant

                                                                        AFGE Council 214


Annual Suicide Prevention Training

Fri, 09/04/2015



Annual Suicide Prevention Training


1.  The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject training as it applies to bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.   


2.  The Air Force has been in the business of educating our workforce on the hazards surrounding suicides.  For years, training has been integrated into an employee’s annual computer based training (CBT) requirement.  Recently, the Air Force Community Action Information Board (CAIB) and the Air Force Learning Council approved changes to the suicide prevention training in an effort to enhance its effectiveness.  The major change was to replace the CBT with a face-to-face training session.  This new hour-long annual training session is aimed at creating an environment where both management and employees have the ability to discuss suicide prevention concepts at a more personal level.  The training will revolve around a roughly 24-minute video (developed with a partnership philosophy involving the Union and Management) and a facilitated discussion.  The small groups will consist of 20-25 people and a facilitator.  Discussions will be guided through a facilitator’s guide or handbook.  This will supply the facilitator with appropriate questions and discussion topics.  The materials for the training will be available via  The training will be tracked on an employee’s ADLS training record.  This MOA implements the Annual Suicide Prevention Training subject to the provisions outlined below.  


3.  Upon request, an employee who, for reasons of personal history, does not feel comfortable participating in the small group face-to-face sessions will receive a waiver from their supervisor.  When waived, the supervisor will direct the employee to view the suicide prevention training video and facilitator guide from the website at their personal work station or a workstation in the installation training office.  Once training is complete, the supervisor will report the completion to the Unit Training Manager who will update the employee’s ADLS training record.   Information about the waiver process will be distributed to employees prior to scheduling a face-to-face training session.  


4.  Employees who are not available (due to TDY, leave, or other reasons) to attend the face-to-face training session should discuss options with their supervisor to attend a make-up session or complete the training online to ensure the annual training requirement is met. 


5.  Facilitators will follow the standard written curriculum to conduct discussions.  If possible, BUE’s will not be used as facilitators.


6.  If changes are made to the annual curriculum or schedule, the Union will be given the updated training material for review before training is scheduled.  Upon review of the training materials, the Union retains the right to open up bargaining over changes that generate a bargaining obligation.


7.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.


For Management / Date                                  For the Union / Date



___________________________                  _____________________________

Janice D. Wallace, Col, USAF, NC                Tom Robinson

HQ AFMC Command Surgeon                      Executive Assistant

                                                                        AFGE Council 214



___________________________                  _____________________________

Gina Martinelli                                               Nicholas Spychalski

Labor Relations Specialist                              Executive Assistant

HQ AFMC/A1KL                                           AFGE Council 214



Air Force Wing Public Affairs Office Standard Organizational Structure

Fri, 07/31/2015




Air Force Wing Public Affairs Office Standard Organizational Structure


A.  Memorandum Wing Public Affairs Standardization Policy, Dated 7 April 2015

B.  Wing Public Affairs Office Standardization Plan, Dated March 2015


1.  The America Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject restructure initiative as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. In 2009, the United States Air Force (USAF) Public Affairs (PA) attempted to complete a manpower study to evaluate and correct manning levels in the PA organization.  This study failed due to no consistency in the office organization, duty titles or job descriptions, distribution of manpower resources, and office processes.  In an effort to achieve a manpower standard, the USAF has concluded there is a need to standardize the organization of the PA offices.  Concluding the organizational standardization, another manpower study will take place.  USAF has tasked Management to complete these organizational standards throughout AFMC.  The possible impacts to AFMC PA civilians are a migration to a standard core document, realignment to a different division in the PA office, and possible duty changes.  This MOA implements the standardization of the PA Office, subject to the provisions outlined below.

3.  AFMC BUE’s will not be asked or forced to change duty stations as a result of this restructure.  Any local changes of an employees work location will be bargained between the local Union and Wing.

4. Every reasonable effort will be made to avoid adversely affecting employees through adjustments to the employee’s Position Description (PD).  All changes will be accomplished in accordance with MLA, Article 17, Position Classification.  If any new duties or assignments are added to an employee’s PD, employee training will be given to ensure successful performance.  This training may include on the job (OJT) training and/or school based training, depending on the nature of the newly designated duties and responsibilities.    

5. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management / Date                                  For the Union/Date


___________________________                  _____________________________

RONALD FRY                                              TOM ROBINSON

Public Affairs                                                  Executive Assistant

AFMC/PA                                                       AFGE Council 214



___________________________                  _____________________________       

KEISHA BARLOW                                      NICHOLAS SPYCHALSKI

Labor Relations Specialist                              Executive Assistant

AFMC/A1KL                                                 AFGE Council 214


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Air Force Deputy Surgeon General and the Air Force Civil Engineer, dated 11 June 2013

Mon, 07/13/2015





Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Air Force Deputy Surgeon General and the Air Force Civil Engineer, dated 11 June 2013



1.  The America Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject memorandum of understanding as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties at Eglin AFB, Kirtland AFB, and Hill AFB.


2.  Subject MOU outlines the division of responsibilities between the Air Force (AF)   Surgeon General (AF/DSG) and the AF Civil Engineer (AF/A7C) as pertains to emergency medical responses at AF installations.  It authorized Fire Emergency Services (FES) flights to provide non-transport Emergency Medical Services (EMS) at the Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) level, and higher levels of service, such as Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and Paramedic, based upon installation-specific requirements. 


3.  Subject MOU charges the SG organization with providing medical oversight and guidance, EMS training, and authorized items listed on the FES EMR/EMT expendable medical supplies/equipment list to FES.  The MOU calls on each AF installation to develop a local MOU between the Medical and FES organizations that defines the level of EMS support each organization will provide.  If the MOU authorizes FES to operate at the EMR level, in accordance with the provisions of this MOA, then changes will become effective when the MOU is signed by the Installation Medical and FES organizations and local impact and implementation bargaining obligations have been satisfied.  When the Installation Medical and FES organizations agree upon a level of service above the EMR level, then the Installation MOU will be coordinated through the Air Force Medical Services (AFMS) EMS Working Group and approved/disapproved by HQ AFMC/A7 and HQ AFMC/SG.  Local MOUs will not significantly reduce the quality of medical care an employee receives in a medical emergency at any installation represented by AFGE C214.   


4.  Installation level MOUs shall be cooperatively developed by a local committee with the participation of at least one union representative, designated by the Local President, for the purpose of representing the interests of local employees.  Official time will be granted for the representative(s) to prepare for meetings, attend meetings, review minutes, and carry out committee assignments.  Although union representatives will be allowed to provide input to the committee, management will retain the final authority on the EMS decision.      


5.  Dispatchers and first responders will provide the authorized level of care or assistance while awaiting “hand-off” to secondary responders or the arrival of transport medical services.  Local MOUs will not prevent responders from providing emergency medical care or assistance that is consistent with Air Force Instructions and policies.  Employees holding current certifications above the level of care authorized by the process described in this agreement (paragraph 3, 4 and 7) will be permitted to provide the level of care for which certified and approved, until such time as that current certification expires.  This provision applies only to AF approved/authorized certifications.  Once the current higher AF approved/authorized certification expires (anticipated 2016/2017 timeframe) it will not be renewed, and certifications will only be maintained up to the level of care authorized in accordance with this agreement.  Local MOUs will be reviewed in March 2018 to evaluate their impact on medical care.     


6.  Installation Fire Chiefs will ensure BUE position descriptions accurately reflect the duties expected of each FES member, and all FES members will provide EMS in accordance with paragraph 5.  FES personnel shall be given experience credit and pay for the grade-controlling duties they actually perform, in accordance with the MLA.    


7.  If the local MOU must be approved by HQ AFMC, a Council 214 representative will serve on the MAJCOM panel that reviews and approves installation level MOU, for the purpose of providing input for consideration before the final decision is made by HQ AFMC/A7 and HQ AFMC/SG. 


8.  The parties recognize that AFI 32-2001 (dated 27 Feb 2014) is currently in bargaining and, until bargaining is completed, is not implemented in AFMC.  However, the EMS level of service determinations will be made and MOUs developed/implemented upon signature/approval of this MOA.


9.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.



For Management / Date                                  For the Union/Date



___________________________                  _____________________________

MICHAEL H. DAVIS                                   TROY TINGEY

Command Fire Chief                                      President

AFMC/ A70X                                                 AFGE Council 214



___________________________                  _____________________________             


Chief, Medical Enlisted Force                        Executive Assistant

AFMC/SGF                                                    AFGE Council 214



___________________________                 _____________________________

KEISHA BARLOW                                      NICHOLAS SPYCHALSKI

Labor Relations Specialist                              Executive Assistant

AFMC/A1KL                                                 AFGE Council 214


Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Mandatory Training for Supervisors, Hiring Managers, and Human Resources Staff

Wed, 06/03/2015


Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Mandatory Training for Supervisors, Hiring Managers,

and Human Resources Staff


1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject training as it applies to bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.   


2. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has identified and directed four mandatory training courses for Supervisors, Hiring Managers and the Human Resources (HR) Community.  The training sessions are as followed:

  • 38 U.S.C. 4335, Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Acts (USERRA) – Annual Requirement
  • Executive Order 13518, Veteran Employment Training for Federal Hiring Managers and HR Professionals – Annual Requirement
  • Executive Order 13548, Increasing Federal Employment of Individuals with Disabilities – One-time Training 
  • Enhancing Safeguards to Prevent the Undue Denial of Federal Employment Opportunities to the unemployed and Those Facing Financial Difficulty Through no Fault of Their Own – One-time Training

The training courses highlight the roles and responsibilities a member of a hiring panel must know in order to serve on the panel.  OPM has made the training mandatory for employees assigned to supervisory codes of 1 thru 7 and all civilian employees having occupational series 0201, Human Resource Management, and 0203, Human Resource Assistant.  All training courses are provided to the employee online.  The courses requiring annual renewal must be completed by 31 May of each fiscal year.  This MOA implements the OPM training requirement, subject to the provisions outlined below.     


3.  Those BUE’s, who have a 1-5 supervisory code attached to their position, will be required to take the training as it has been briefed to the Union.  


4.  Those BUE’s, who have a supervisory code of 6 (Leader) or 7 (Team Leader), will not be required to take the training outlined by AFMC.  Instead, when management requests to have a BUE serve on a hiring panel, the employee will be given enough time to complete the training before the hiring panel meets. The BUE retains the right to decline the request to serve on the hiring panel.  On any subsequent hiring panel selections, an employee’s training record will be evaluated.  If the annual training requirement has lapsed, the employee will be given time, prior to the hiring panel, to complete the training requirement.          


5.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.



For Management / Date                                  For the Union / Date 



___________________________                  _____________________________

Mitchell W. Clark                                           Tom Robinson

AFMC Force Development                            Executive Assistant

                                                                        AFGE Council 214



___________________________                  _____________________________

Elizabeth Spangler                                          Nicholas Spychalski

Labor Relations Specialist                              Executive Assistant

HQ AFMC/A1KL                                          AFGE Council 214




Air Force Sustainment Center Manual (AFSCMAN) 21-102 "Depot Maintenance Management

Thu, 03/19/2015




Air Force Sustainment Center Manual (AFSCMAN) 21-102

Depot Maintenance Management


1.  The America Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject AFSC Manual as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.


2.  The Depot Maintenance Manual (DMM) AFSCMAN 21-102 provides directive guidance for depot maintenance management.  Air Force policy is found in AFI 21-102 “Depot Maintenance Management.” MAJCOM policy is found in AFMC SUP “Depot Maintenance Management.”  The DMM applies to all Air Logistics Complexes (ALCs).  


3.  The parties agree to the implementation of the DMM as written, subject to the following provisions:


a. Paragraph 1.10.:  Leads/Team Members/Collateral Duty Selection Process:  Participation will be on a rotational basis, and candidates will be selected in accordance with the procedures identified in the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) – Article 20, Details to Bargaining Unit Positions, and Article 21, Loans of Bargaining Unit Employees.


b. Paragraph 10.20.2.:  Accommodations to the 30-day initial training will be considered due to unforeseen circumstances and will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


c. Paragraph  The parties will follow the MLA with regards to who is assigned and the rotation between all qualified and available employees.


4.  All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved. 


For Management / Date                                For the Union / Date 


__//signed//____________                          __//signed//____________

BRIAN BURKS                                          TROY TINGEY

AFSC/LGP                                                  AFGE Council 214 


__//signed//____________                         __//signed//____________

GINA MARTINELLI                                NICHOLAS SPYCHALSKI

AFMC/A1KL                                             AFGE Council 214


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