Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Air Force Deputy Surgeon General and the Air Force Civil Engineer, dated 11 June 2013
1. The America Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject memorandum of understanding as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties at Eglin AFB, Kirtland AFB, and Hill AFB.
2. Subject MOU outlines the division of responsibilities between the Air Force (AF) Surgeon General (AF/DSG) and the AF Civil Engineer (AF/A7C) as pertains to emergency medical responses at AF installations. It authorized Fire Emergency Services (FES) flights to provide non-transport Emergency Medical Services (EMS) at the Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) level, and higher levels of service, such as Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and Paramedic, based upon installation-specific requirements.
3. Subject MOU charges the SG organization with providing medical oversight and guidance, EMS training, and authorized items listed on the FES EMR/EMT expendable medical supplies/equipment list to FES. The MOU calls on each AF installation to develop a local MOU between the Medical and FES organizations that defines the level of EMS support each organization will provide. If the MOU authorizes FES to operate at the EMR level, in accordance with the provisions of this MOA, then changes will become effective when the MOU is signed by the Installation Medical and FES organizations and local impact and implementation bargaining obligations have been satisfied. When the Installation Medical and FES organizations agree upon a level of service above the EMR level, then the Installation MOU will be coordinated through the Air Force Medical Services (AFMS) EMS Working Group and approved/disapproved by HQ AFMC/A7 and HQ AFMC/SG. Local MOUs will not significantly reduce the quality of medical care an employee receives in a medical emergency at any installation represented by AFGE C214.
4. Installation level MOUs shall be cooperatively developed by a local committee with the participation of at least one union representative, designated by the Local President, for the purpose of representing the interests of local employees. Official time will be granted for the representative(s) to prepare for meetings, attend meetings, review minutes, and carry out committee assignments. Although union representatives will be allowed to provide input to the committee, management will retain the final authority on the EMS decision.
5. Dispatchers and first responders will provide the authorized level of care or assistance while awaiting “hand-off” to secondary responders or the arrival of transport medical services. Local MOUs will not prevent responders from providing emergency medical care or assistance that is consistent with Air Force Instructions and policies. Employees holding current certifications above the level of care authorized by the process described in this agreement (paragraph 3, 4 and 7) will be permitted to provide the level of care for which certified and approved, until such time as that current certification expires. This provision applies only to AF approved/authorized certifications. Once the current higher AF approved/authorized certification expires (anticipated 2016/2017 timeframe) it will not be renewed, and certifications will only be maintained up to the level of care authorized in accordance with this agreement. Local MOUs will be reviewed in March 2018 to evaluate their impact on medical care.
6. Installation Fire Chiefs will ensure BUE position descriptions accurately reflect the duties expected of each FES member, and all FES members will provide EMS in accordance with paragraph 5. FES personnel shall be given experience credit and pay for the grade-controlling duties they actually perform, in accordance with the MLA.
7. If the local MOU must be approved by HQ AFMC, a Council 214 representative will serve on the MAJCOM panel that reviews and approves installation level MOU, for the purpose of providing input for consideration before the final decision is made by HQ AFMC/A7 and HQ AFMC/SG.
8. The parties recognize that AFI 32-2001 (dated 27 Feb 2014) is currently in bargaining and, until bargaining is completed, is not implemented in AFMC. However, the EMS level of service determinations will be made and MOUs developed/implemented upon signature/approval of this MOA.
9. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.
For Management / Date For the Union/Date
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Command Fire Chief President
AFMC/ A70X AFGE Council 214
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Chief, Medical Enlisted Force Executive Assistant
AFMC/SGF AFGE Council 214
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Labor Relations Specialist Executive Assistant
AFMC/A1KL AFGE Council 214