AFI 36-3803, Personnel Accountability in Conjunction with Disasters and National Emergencies

Fri, 10/28/2016


AFI 36-3803 Personnel Accountability in Conjunction with
Natural Disasters and National Emergencies

This MoA replaces the "AFI 10-218 Personnel Accountability in Conjunction with Disasters MoA,,dated 26 June 2007.

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject instruction as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. The parties appreciate the importance of accounting for employees after a natural disaster or national emergency and therefore agree to the implementation of AFI 36-3803, subject to the following:

    a. Pre-planning databases may be offered to prepare for evacuations; however employees will be informed that submitting personal information is strictly voluntary. Such a database will contain only pertinent information (e.g. planned evacuation destination and contact information) regarding the employee and persons the employee chooses to identify as family members or co-habitants. When real world circumstances are such that advanced notification of administrative leave is granted, employees will identify their evacuation information as determined by the installation Commander. The information will be kept strictly private. Employees will be given the opportunity to update or delete any volunteered information at any time.

    b. Employees will be notified via standard recall procedures in the event of an evacuation and will be expected to make contact as soon as is practical after reaching their evacuation destination or a suitable place of safety. They can receive up-to-date information concerning the evacuation and return to duty location information by contacting AFPAAS_ via the internet at, or by calling the AFPC Personnel Readiness (PRC) cell at J-800-435-9941.

3. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71 will remain available to the Parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

FOR MANAGEMENT                                        FOR THE UNION

//s//                                                 //s//
_______________________                              ____________________
Brian Hayes                                          Troy Tingey
Chief, Personnel Readiness                           President
HQ AFMC/A1RR                                         AFGE Council 214

//s//                                                //s//
_________________________                            ________________________
Robert Good                                          Andrew Powell
Labor Relations                                      Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL                                         AFGE Council 214

AFI 36-817 - Civilian Phased Retirement Program

Thu, 09/13/2018
AFI 36-817
Civilian Phased Retirement Program

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, and collectively as the Parties, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding the Civilian Phased Retirement Program as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the Parties.

2. Civilian phased retirement is being implemented within AFMC in support of the Department of Defense (DoD) commitment to the workforce efficiency, emergency preparedness, and quality of life. Additionally, AFI 36-817 establishes a process under which an Air Force employee may apply for Phased Retirement.

3. Employees will contact their immediate supervisor for an initial discussion regarding position eligibility and the employee's ability to participate in Phased Retirement before formally applying for the Civilian Phased Retirement Program. If after the initial discussion, the supervisor is agreeable to the Phased Retirement of the employee, the supervisor will notify the employee that he/she may proceed with his/her formal application for Phased Retirement. Upon request, Management will inform the employee of where additional information (to include Forms for Phased Retirement) may be found or provide the contact information for the Benefits and Entitlements Service Team.

4. An employee may request to meet with his/her supervisor to collaboratively develop a mentoring plan that includes the mentee(s) to be mentored, mentee objectives, activities for achieving objectives, and other necessary details. Employees who desire to enter phased retirement are responsible for capturing/documenting the mentoring plan in writing. If changes are needed to a mentoring plan, management will discuss the necessary changes with the employee prior to the mentoring plan becoming effective.. Duty time for discussing and writing mentoring plans will be requested and scheduled with an employee's supervisor.

5. Performance standards for an employee participating in the Civilian Phased Retirement Program will reflect the employee's assigned duties. Management will ensure that "Mentoring" is a critical element to the approved phased retiree's performance standards.

6. A phased retiree is considered a part-time employee, has the same conduct requirements as in regular employment, and retains the same due process rights in accordance with applicable laws, rules, regulations, and negotiated agreements.

7. Upon timely request for extension by employees through their supervisor, management will approve/disapprove all requests for extension at least 14 calendar days prior to the date of expiration of the phased retirement agreement.

8. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the Parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.


For Management/Date	                                         For the Union/Date

  //s//                                                             //s//
CANDY LOHNER                                                     TUJA STUARD
Employee Relations Specialist                                    Executive Assistant 
HQ AFMC/AlKL                                                     AFGE Council 214              

   //s//                                                           //s// 

BRIAN FRIEDRICH                                                  ANDREW N. POWELL
Labor Relations Specialist                                       Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/AlKL                                                     AFGE Council 214

AFTCI 99-110, Test Control Personnel Training and Evaluation

Tue, 06/05/2018


AFTCI 99-110, Test Control Personnel Training
and Evaluation

   A. 96 OG OI 99-5
   B. AFFTC OI 99-8
   C. Edwards AFBI 99-108

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding AFTCI 99-110, Test Control Personnel Training and Evaluation as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. The purpose of this memorandum on AFTCI 99-110 is to standardize training and evaluation across the test center’s instructions in references A, B and C.

3. The unit Commander/Director will solicit for volunteers for evaluator instructors. The employees who volunteer to be evaluator instructors will be appointed by selecting the most senior skilled, qualified, available volunteer.

4. The unit Commander/Director should accept the training and/or qualifications from other organizations, for like duties, when the personnel will be performing test essential roles. If the commander rejects the training and/or qualifications, written justification must be provided to the employee.

5. Within 90 days of implementation of AFTCI 99-110, Unit Commanders/Directors will draft a qualification and certification memorandum. This memorandum will include a list of personnel currently assigned or attached to the unit who are qualified to perform the test control duties according to the qualifications and certifications.

6. Instructor/Evaluator Training is reserved for highly experienced TEPs. Definition of what constitutes highly experienced TEP’s will be included in local OI’s.

7. If an employee receives a quality level of Q3, the employee can request, to reattempt the evaluation within one calendar week.

8. After the first failure and receipt of a Q3 evaluation by the employee, management will provide additional training to the employee prior to the recheck. The number of recheck attempts authorized will be included in local test organization supplements and are subject to local bargaining.

9. Units may develop currency requirements for mission specialized certifications where appropriate. If Test Organization Supplements are implemented and a bargaining obligation exist, the supplements may be bargained locally. Unit developed TEP currency events and intervals for which TEP in their respective positions need to maintain to stay current and/or qualified will be in accordance with Table 6.1.

10. All testing and evaluations will be accomplished on duty time.

11. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management/date				For the Union/date

//signed// 5 Jun 18                             //signed// 5 Jun 18
_______________________				_______________________
Division Chief, Engineering Resources		Executive Assistant 
AFTC/ENR					AFGE Council 214

//signed// 5 Jun 18                             //signed// 5 Jun 18  
_______________________				_______________________
Labor Relations Specialist			Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL					AFGE Council 214   

Limitation to Closure of Medical Treatment Facilities - DHA PI 6025.03 and DHA IPM 18-001

Thu, 05/17/2018
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)


DHA PI 6025.03 and DHA IPM 18-001:

Limitation to Closure of Medical Treatment

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject limitation to closure of Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF) as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. Attachment 3 of DHA – IPM 18-001, mandates that no Military Treatment Facility (MTF) may close in excess of 3 days or any additional day beyond federally-declared holidays as identified by the Office of Personnel Management or the President of the United States or officially recognized federal office closures or local weather or contingency events. The DHA PI 6025.03 provides procedural instructions to insure changes are implemented. This change in limitation on consecutive days closed also affects ancillary services such as pharmacy, diagnostic imaging, laboratory, and any other services involved in direct patient care which may be required to adjust hours to ensure availability to services. The decision on which clinics and ancillary services involved in direct patient care will experience the limitation on consecutive days closed will be specific to each installation. This MOA implements the MTF limitation on consecutive days closed as they impact Bargaining Unit Employees (BUEs), subject to the provisions outlined below.

3. The Local Union President will be notified by MTF leadership prior to the implementation and provided a briefing from the local MTF on any changes to bargaining unit employees’ work schedules deemed necessary to comply with the tenets of DHA – IPM 18-001. Local impacts to conditions of employment of MTF employees engaged in clinical and ancillary services will be negotiated between Management and the Local Union President (or designee).

4. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.


For Management/date				For the Union/date

   //signed// 17 May 18                            //signed// 17 May 18
_______________________				_______________________
Command Surgeon					Executive Assistant 
HQ AFMC SG					AFGE Council 214

   //signed//                                      //signed// 
_______________________				_______________________
Labor Relations Specialist			Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL					AFGE Council 214  

Voice over Internet Protocol Phones (VOIP) conversion

Tue, 02/20/2018


Voice over Internet Protocol Phones Conversion

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phones as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. VoIP phones are being implemented across the Command as older technologies become obsolete. This MOA implements the provisions of the VoIP phone conversion, subject to the provisions outlined below.

3. VoIP phones generate call logs for all incoming and outgoing calls. Call logs generated by the system may be accessed in accordance with all applicable MOAs, the MLA, laws, rules, and regulations.

4. Employees may submit their preference between all headsets and handsets available from the organization’s inventory to their supervisor.

5. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management/date				For the Union/date

    //signed//                                      //signed//
_______________________				_______________________
Acting Chief, Assurance Division		Executive Assistant 
HQ AFMC/A61					AFGE Council 214

    //signed//                                     //signed//
_______________________				_______________________
Labor Relations Specialist			Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL					AFGE Council 214   

AFI 32-2006, Uniform and Grooming Standards for Civilian Fire Emergency Services Personnel, dated 29 Aug 13

Tue, 02/13/2018


Air Force Instruction (AFI) 32-2006 "Uniform and Grooming Standards for Civilian Fire Emergency Services Personnel," Dated 29 August 2013

References:     A. AFI 32-2006, Uniform and Grooming Standards for Civilian Fire Emergency Services Personnel, dated 29 August 2013

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject Uniform and Grooming Standards for Civilian Fire Emergency Personnel as it applies to bargaining unit employees (BUEs) covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the Parties.

2. AFI 32-2006 replaced AFI-36-801 as the authority on dress and grooming standards for Civilian Fire Emergency Personnel.

3. In accordance with 10 USC 1593 (Uniform Allowance: Civilian Employees), when the government requires Fire and Emergency (FES) personnel to wear a prescribed uniform, the government will provide such uniforms, a uniform allowance, or some combination of the two. The Installation Fire Chief (IFC) determines how those uniforms are acquired. If the government does not provide all uniform components, the IFC will ensure BUEs are given a uniform allowance sufficient to cover the cost of all uniform components the employee is required to purchase, up to a maximum of funds established in 10 USC 1593. Local uniform standards will be negotiated between the IFC (or designee) and the Local Union President (or designee). Any changes in working conditions for BUEs shall be negotiated between the IFC and the local union.

4. Employees will be given 12 months from the date of this MOA or 60 days from receipt of the allowance, whichever is sooner, to comply with the wear of clothing covered by this MOA.

    a. For all FES personnel whose primary or secondary duties include firefighting; the T-shirt may be worn apart from the uniform shirt. However, this T-shirt now becomes part of the uniform and must be constructed of inherently flame resistive fibers (100% cotton; Nomex/Aramid blends, for example). NFPA-compliant T-shirts may only be required if agreed upon during local negotiations.

    b. Station Work Uniforms and accoutrements of all FES personnel whose primary or secondary duties include firefighting shall comply with NFPA 1975 and AFI 32-2006, unless otherwise covered by this MOA. Any changes in working conditions for BUEs shall be negotiated between the IFC and the local union.

    c. Work shirts will not be worn on the flight line or during fire emergency operations. Therefore, metal (such as name badges, tags, rank, etc.) may be worn on clothing that will not be worn during flight line, vehicle checkout, or fire ground operations.

    d. Employees will be allowed to wear stand-by apparel after normal duty hours as determined by the IFC. Such stand-by uniforms shall be standardized within the flight and shall be constructed of inherently flame-resistive fibers (100% cotton; Nomex/Aramid blends, for example). Any changes in working conditions for BUEs shall be negotiated between the IFC and the local union.

5. If a dress uniform is required and not provided by the government, the clothing allowance will be sufficient to cover the cost of the purchase of that uniform.

6. Current employees will not have existing tattoos serve as a basis for removal from positions, but will cover any non-compliant tattoos or body art, as defined in paragraph 3.9.2, so it is not visible when in uniform. Employees hired after the signature date of this MOA will comply with the AFI’s provisions on tattoos and other body art.

7. Employees may have facial hair so long as it is neatly trimmed and does not come between the sealing surface of the self-contained breathing apparatus face piece and the face or otherwise interfere with the operation or use of safety equipment. Hair (to include braids/dreadlocks) must be clean and neat in appearance and must not extend below the bottom edge of the collar when the uniform shirt is buttoned.

8. To ensure a professional image, employees must keep uniforms neat, clean, pressed, serviceable and presentable at all times. Employees will not wear faded, frayed or torn uniforms. When uniforms are damaged (torn, frayed, burned, etc.) as a result of FES operations, when allowed by 10 USC 1593, management will provide the employee sufficient funds to replace the damaged clothing to ensure compliance with uniform standards.

9. Any local impacts not covered by this MOA will be bargained locally.

10. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management                                  	For the Union

    //signed//                                             //signed//
_____________________________	                        _____________________________
William G. Janczewski II, SMSgt, USAF	                Tuja Stuard
FES Program Manager	                                Executive Assistant
AFIMSC Det 6/CEX	                                AFGE Council 214

    //signed//                                            //signed//
______________________________	                       ______________________________
Collette Myers	                                       Andrew Powell
Human Resources Specialist	                       Executive Assistant
(Labor Relations)	                               AFGE Council 214

AFI 36-2645, Security Professional Certification and Development

Tue, 01/09/2018


AFI 36-2645 Security Professional Certification and Development

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, and collectively as the Parties, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding the DoD Security Professional Education Development (SPēD) Certification program as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the Parties.

2. The program is codified in AFI 36-2645, Security Professional Certification and Development. The SPēD program is comprised of both mandatory and voluntary security certification programs primarily open to Regular Air Force civilian, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve personnel assigned to positions where security work, as defined by the Office of Personnel Management’s Security Administration (occupational series 0080) classification standards, is performed as a primary duty or additional duty . The DoD SPēD program comprises six distinct certifications; Security Fundamentals Professional Certification Program (SFPC), Security Asset Protection Professional Certification (SAPPC), Security Program Integration Professional Certification (SPIPC), Physical Security Certification (PSC), Industrial Oversight Professional Certification (ISOC), and Special Programs Security Certification (SPSC). The SPēD program provides a structure for pursuing and documenting the attainment of certifications that provide a recognized credential for security professionals across the Department of Defense (DoD). This MOA authorizes implementation of the DoD SPēD program, subject to the provisions below.

3. The goal of the SPēD program is to promote a common and shared understanding of DoD security functional tasks and the knowledge and skills associated with the competencies required to perform those tasks. The SPēD program is designed to incentivize long-term employee professional development, education, and training through a cyclical certification maintenance process helping to maintain employee technical proficiency and policy knowledge.

4. The program is open to all AFMC Bargaining Unit Employees (BUEs) to include civilian General Schedule (GS)/Acq Demo and Federal Wage System (FWS) employees in any career field, but primarily with experience in one or more of the identified security disciplines.

5. Employees who inform their supervisor that barriers exist for adequate training and use of the computer based training and/or testing system (i.e. disability, educational, language, etc.) will be provided assistance or allowed access to alternative existing methods in accordance with Air Force policy.

6. The Parties agree that training and development opportunities shall be offered on a fair and equitable basis to all participating employees. Failure or success in progressing through the voluntary program shall not factor into employee performance evaluations.

7. The Parties agree that the use of the term “professional”, or any iteration or form thereof within this MOA or AFI 36-2645, does not construe the Professionalization, and therefore removal from any Bargaining Unit affiliation, of any positions for which this training is mandatory or voluntary.

8. The following guidelines apply to BUEs assigned to positions where security work is a primary or additional duty. BUEs will be notified of the provisions below at least 30 calendar days prior to being enrolled in the certification program:

   a. BUEs required to obtain DoD SPēD will be notified of the mandatory certification requirements applicable to their specific position which will include the date which certification should be completed.

   b. BUEs who voluntarily pursue DoD SPēD certification will be notified of the certification programs applicable to their specific position upon request.

   c. BUEs will be provided adequate duty time to access and complete mandatory training requirements associated with this program. If the BUE feels the duty time provided is insufficient to complete the mandatory training requirements the employee may request additional time from their supervisor. If additional time is not approved the employee may file a grievance in accordance with Article 6 of the MLA.

   d. BUEs will be granted adequate duty time to travel to/from authorized testing locations and will be reimbursed mileage in accordance with the Joint Travel Regulation for all travel related to testing for DoD SPeD certification(s).

   e. BUEs will be granted access to required materials (i.e. computer, books, study guides), provided by management at no additional cost to the employee.

   f. BUEs will be informed of the Professional Development Unit (PDU) requirements for their certification(s). BUEs will be authorized adequate duty time after certification(s) is received to work on PDUs until that time that recertification is achieved within the biannual maintenance cycle. If the BUE feels the duty time provided is insufficient to complete the PDU requirements, the employee may request additional time from their supervisor. If additional time is not approved the employee may file a grievance in accordance with Article 6 of the MLA.

   g. All BUEs serving in security positions, to include those who have additional duties that encompass security functions will be allowed to participate in the training, regardless of the hiring date.

   h. In instances where BUEs are assigned to a position requiring more than two SPēD certifications, the BUE will have an extra year per certification to meet program requirements. For example: BUEs must obtain two of the indexed SPēD Certifications within the standard two year compliance window and the additional certification may be obtained during the third year of employment without adverse action or waiver request.

9. The following applies to BUEs not serving in the security career field who participate in the certification program(s) on a voluntary basis:

   a. Mission permitting, and with supervisory approval, BUEs will be granted adequate duty time to access and complete training for the certification until such time as certification(s) is complete.

   b. Mission permitting, and with supervisory approval, BUEs will be granted adequate duty time to travel to/from authorized testing locations and to complete testing related to certifications.

   c. If permitted to participate in this certification, access to materials (i.e. computer, books, study guides) will be provided by management at no additional cost to the employee.

   d. BUEs will be informed in writing of the Professional Development Unit (PDU) requirements for their certification(s). Mission permitting, BUEs will be authorized adequate duty time each month after certification(s) is received to work on PDUs.

10. If a BUE has multiple certificates, and one certificates is slated to go into “expired” status for any reason, the BUE will be notified in writing at least 30 days prior of the change.

11. Upon request and with a demonstrated particularized need from Council 214, the Union will receive from Management annual reports on the DoD SPēD certification program. These reports will be categorized by base, contain BUE names, include the total number of BUEs participating in each certification program, current number of BUEs pursuing certification not yet completed, and any BUEs that are delinquent on certifications or PDUs.

12. BUE’s whose initial hiring date predates the DoD SPēD Certification Program implementation (14 March 2016) are exempt from DoD SPēD Certification Program requirements as long as they remain assigned to their current CPD/SCPD (or equivalent core personnel document) and duty location. The lack of certification shall not be a basis for non-selection for promotion or any type of employment advancement, to include centrally funded security assignments with the exception of positions identified by AFI 36-2645 as a prerequisite for consideration starting 14 March 2018.

13. The Union will be afforded an opportunity to bargain impacts to working conditions created by changes in certification requirements before changes occur.

14. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the Parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management / Date					For the Union / Date

____//signed//________________			        ____//signed//_________________
Director, Information Protection			Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/IP						AFGE Council 214

____//signed//________________			        ___//signed//__________________
Labor Relations Specialist				Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A4PT						AFGE Council 214

Acquisition Coding of AFLCMC Cyber Operations Employees - APDP

Mon, 12/18/2017


Acquisition Coding of
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
Cyber Operations Employees

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject acquisition coding of Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) Cyberspace Operations Support (COS) Employees as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. In accordance with AFMCI 36-2613, Acquisition Professional Development Program (APDP), the AFLCMC Senior Functional (CSF) for the COS workforce established a process to have all COS employees’ positions APDP coded in order for the COS workforce to be recognized as having achieved professional status through APDP certification. This MOA implements the provisions of the APDP requirements for employees as determined by the APDP coding of each position, subject to the provisions outlined below.

3. The COS employees should be acquisition coded, using SAF/AQH "Step-by-Step Process for Designating and Coding AF Acquisition Positions". AFLCMC Cyberspace Operations Support APDP Manager will provide a coding spreadsheet to the impacted organizations listing all COS positions that are impacted. In turn, once coding actions are completed, the supervisors of the affected employees will notify their employee(s) of their APDP coding category and certification due date, In addition, the AFLCMC COS APDP manager will notify the employees of their position coding using the "APDP Notice Newly Coded'' mail merge process found in the Command Human Resource Intelligence System (CHRIS). To accommodate these impacts:

   a. Management will provide employee access to all APDP training required to attain certification during duty time. Employees will ensure that they have requested the needed duty time and received approval from their supervisors prior to enrolling in the training.

   b. Management will request an extension of at least one year to accommodate employees who do not obtain certification in the 24 months, so long as the employee has made a reasonable effort to complete the certification requirements during the initial 24 months.

   c. Management will provide individual mentoring, on request, to individuals having difficulty meeting certification requirements.

4. All AFLCMC Cyber Operations employees will receive email notification of the coding decision. The notification will explain that the coding decision was based on the documented duties in the employee's position description and that coding may be appealed on the basis of actual percentage of time spent on acquisition/non-acquisition workload. Upon request, the AFLCMC Cyber Operations APDP manager will meet with the employee and/or the employee's representative to discuss the coding decision and reasons for reconsideration. If an agreement cannot be reached the employee may exercise their right to file a grievance.

5. Employees will be given retroactive credit for the time from when the employee started the position, not the time that it became APDP coded, to the date it was determined the position required APDP certification.

6. The deadline for completing Continuous Learning (CL) credits is two years from the date of APDP coding. Employees can complete the CL credits at any point within this two year time frame. The deadline for completion of CL credits will not reset upon completion of CL requirement, but remain the original deadline of two years from anniversary date of the APDP coding of the position.

7. When AFLCMC Cyber Operations completes the APDP coding update the Union will be provided a spreadsheet showing the positions where acquisition coding was added or changed. The spreadsheet will show the installation and office symbol of the position and, if encumbered, the name of the employee.

8. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.


For Management/date				For the Union/date

   //signed//                                      //signed//
_______________________				_______________________
AFLCMC Cyberspace Operations Support		Executive Assistant
Center Senior Functional		        AFGE Council 214

   //signed//                                     //signed//
_______________________				_______________________
Labor Relations Specialist			Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL					AFGE Council 214   

AFI 36-205, Affirmative Employment Pgm (AEP), Special Emphasis Pgm (SEP), Reasonable Accomodations Policy, 1 Dec 16

Thu, 11/02/2017


Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-205, Affirmative Employment Program (AEP), Special Emphasis Programs (SEP) and Reasonable Accommodation Policy, dated 1 December 2016

A. AFI 36-205, Affirmative Employment Program (AEP), Special Emphasis Programs (SEP) and Reasonable Accommodations, dated 1 December 2016

1. The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Council 214 and Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC), hereafter referred to as the Union and Management, hereby enter into this Memorandum of Agreement regarding subject Affirmative Employment (AEP), Special Emphasis Programs (SEP) and Reasonable Accommodations as it applies to bargaining unit employees covered by the Master Labor Agreement (MLA) between the parties.

2. Air Force Instruction 36-205 (reference A) is the master Air Force publication providing Air Force guidance on reasonable accommodations for individuals with disabilities, how the AEPs and SEPs are organized and how program personnel are designated and committees are established. It requires commanders to develop and implement a program of positive action in all personnel administration and management matters, including recruitment, employment and promotion, designed to promote equal opportunity and to identify and eliminate discriminatory practices and policies.

3. Management will ensure the following information is contained in vacancy announcements on USA Jobs for full-time SEPMs:

     a. If the applicant is a current employee, they will have no return rights to their current position.

     b. Should the person selected for the position wish to leave the SEPM position, they may apply for other job opportunities via USA Jobs website or discuss other avenues for noncompetitive reassignments with their supervisor, in accordance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

4. Duties assigned to SEPM BUEs, who serve in a collateral capacity, are not considered critical and therefore are not part of the BUEs performance plan. An addendum to the BUEs official CORE personnel document will occur for SEPM appointments and will annotate the duties are not critical.

5. Appointed collateral capacity SEPM BUEs will be notified on the percentage of time spent on duties within the SEPM appointment letter.

6. The local union will be notified when changes are made to the SEPM appointments within 10 calendar days.

7. SEPM BUEs appointed as a SEPM in a collateral capacity will initially be solicited for voluntary assignments. BUEs will have the opportunity to relinquish the collateral duty SEPM appointment at any time without any reprisal. However, it is understood that these duties may remain with the SEPM no longer than 60 days while management solicits and assigns the duties to a new SEPM. Additionally, management retains the right to remove these duties from SEPMs. SEPMs will not be penalized for the time and attention dedicated to collateral duties.

8. SEPM BUEs may request feedback from their supervisors or AEPMs regarding their performance of SEPM duties. Any meetings between the AEPM and the SEPM’s supervisor regarding the SEPM's performance of SEP duties must include an invitation to the SEPM to join the meeting.

9. BUEs who perform SEPM duties will be allowed to participate in SEPM training as follows:

    a. all required training will be authorized and completed during duty hours.

     b. all voluntary training will be coordinated between the supervisor, SEPM and AEPM and will be attended during time scheduled to perform SEPM duties.

10. AEPMs and SEPMs will be allowed to accomplish their assigned duties during their regularly scheduled duty hours. Collateral duty SEPMs will schedule the percentage of time allotted for performing these duties with their supervisor and the AEPM.

11. The local union will be notified within 10 calendar days of the Installation Barrier Analysis Working Group (IBAWG) meetings. Upon request, the local union will be allowed to attend and participate in this meeting. If participating, the union will be required to acknowledge and sign a confidentiality agreement only if the other participants have also acknowledged and signed a confidentiality agreement for IBAWG participation.

12. The local union may request copies of the IBAWGs meeting minutes, briefing slides, or other pertinent meeting materials in accordance with 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71. Union recipients will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement prior to receipt of the materials if IBAWG participants are required to also sign a confidentiality agreement.

13. The local union will be notified at least 10 work days prior to and be allowed to attend and participate in the semiannual meetings between the AEPMs and the installation commander. The local union may request copies of meeting minutes or briefing slides from meetings between the AEPMs and the installation commander, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71. Union recipients will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement prior to receipt of the material.

14. Any awards received by SEPM BUEs will be IAW the MLA and applicable MOAs.

15. Use of ADR for a Reasonable Accommodation (RA) grievance will be subject to the provisions of the MLA and any associated locally negotiated agreement. Other means such as a third party neutral (e.g. facilitator) may be utilized to assist the parties through the RA process. When a third party neutral is utilized and the parties involved in the RA process are agreeable, the local union will be notified that a third party neutral has been requested to assist with the RA process.

16. Management will ensure that multiple avenues (e.g. briefings, emails, bulletin postings, etc.) are utilized to disseminate information about the reasonable accommodation process to BUEs on an annual basis.

17. All remedies available under the MLA or 5 U.S.C. 71 will remain available to the parties if concerns cannot be cooperatively resolved.

For Management/date				For the Union/date

_______________________				_______________________
Affirmative Employment Program Manager		Executive Assistant 
HQ AFMC/A1KK					AFGE Council 214

_______________________				_______________________
Labor Relations Specialist			Executive Assistant
HQ AFMC/A1KL					AFGE Council 214   

AFLCMC Wide 5-4-9 CWS

Wed, 08/16/2017
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